Theme: Bats

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Izuku POV

Me and Shinso wanted to do something fun so we both tried to find something to do, " bored" I said still mumbling to my self but then Shinso Cut me off " how about cave explore?, there is cave not that far" I then think a bit but then jumped up and down, Shinso then starts laughing " Omay let's go at night time but in meantime let's watch a movie" I smiled and he picked me up and then fell on the couch with me.

He kissed me all over my face and neck " PFF, StOP!! HahAHAH sTOp!" He then finally stoped and laughed at me a bit, he then turn on the tv and grab a blanket and cuddles with me and put on Netflix and find a show.

( a skip from my gayness)

We both got up and went to get ready for the cave explore " Shinso do we bring rope ??"
I yell from downstairs " Uhhhhh Yeah put it in you back pack, BRING A WARM JACKET IZUKU!" I then giggled a bit " Why so I have to !, You don't want to give me your again?" I said back at him as I heard him
Comeing back downstairs, he then tackles me with a hug and kisses my face " No, if you ever get cold I will all ways give you my jacket but to be honest it's still cold for me " I then giggled and smiled softly, after we packed we got on out gear with was a Climbing boots and gloves with love baggy pang and 2 coats and long sleeve shirt.

I then get in the car and start it as I then wait for Shinso in front seat, when he got out stuff in the car and he got in diver seat and started to drive, I saw the darkness and the moon glow in the sky and tall trees but this is a public place so more people will be there so it Okay I think.

After a while Shinso parked the car like I said it's public place there was at least 6 more people here tonight as far as I can see, the person running this cave comes out and tell us the rules " Hello!, Welcome to the cave, now for some rules, 1. No smoking 2. No weed 3. No sex 4. No pushing people 5. No tripping people 6. No scaring people 7. Don't kill anyone please " the cave owner said, after a bit we into the cave 3 people were messing around, I look at Shinso to see him a bit mad but not a lot " Calm down Izu, I'm okay " he said to me I the nod and smiled at him, he holds my hand as we walk there was a couple holes, that made me scared because the 3 kids are laughing and messing around still, we saw beautiful crystals I let go of Shinso hand to touch one witch I then backed away but right at the same time I hear one pushed one of the kids and other push back but then he ran into me and knocking me into the ditch.

I looked around and saw .......bats .....I then cover my self with my jacket as all the bats screeched and fly away over me I heard Shinso hell my name I think " IZUKU!!", after the bats were gone I was okay but I was scared still ' did he leave me?' I thought as I then started to cry and sob " Izuku calm down please " I heard him say but I couldn't I then felt someone hugged me and I didn't care who so I hugged back and soon or later I was out of the ditch I saw Shinso whip away my tears from my face and kiss me hundred of times on the face witch made me smile a bit " how did yo-" I asked but he cut me " the ropes smarty pants ~" he said as he carried me in his arm and go back to the car, the 3 of the kids have to write a Sorry note to me and 3 page one.

Just watched HALLOWEEN witch was awesome and sorry for the hoLd up my hand has burnt on it so it hurts like hell

Theme idea was from @1minsweeper123456

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