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When Everything Is Over

I went to change my clothes and by the time I got to the warehouse everybody was on time , "damn it's about time y'all on the same page y'all never be on time .

"Biggs is a smart nigga ! We just gotta play him in his on ways , and that's when you hit him hard . Anthony what you got . "

" every year the have this parade in Jamaica and it's own by biggs and hosted by Charmaine and everybody come out and celebrate and that day is 17th which is in three days so if we go to Jamaica in morning will be there in time . the target were going for is givenchy  ,givenchy is biggs baby brother he is the drug lord of Jamaica it's just we have to get through all the Jamaicas to get to him ."
Ight I'm with that I gotta old friend that works for givenchy said Quintin so that's cool I hope y'all ready .

I woke up and noticed Gino wasn't laying next to me . He keeps telling me he's going to leave the game alone but his only in it still so he can protect me . I'm confused about so much . I got up got dress and went over to the club to see how he's number where doing .

When I got there i seen Diavian in the office already doing what I came to do, "tah what you doing here"

I came to check Giovanni number for the club .

" that's why I'm here , I haven't seen Giovanni in a few days I've been calling him and he hasn't been answering "

That's because he's in Jamaica doing a run .

"Ummm , you sure you wanna go back down that road with somebody again ?"

to be honest with you D I don't know , it's like that old record that won't stop playing but he's special sis and I think he's the one .

"Well I'm happy for you , just be careful I've been where you been at just with Quintin, sometimes you get tired of being last to the game and I gave my blood sweat and tears to that nigga . and it got to the point were I had to give a ultimatum , it's either me and the game & he chooses  the game ...... and now Im never going to be the same , only because the same man I hate I love him so much ."

Thanks for the advice I really needed to hear that .

2Missed Call : Giovanni🤞🏽
Giovanni🤞🏽: I miss you I'll be home soon baby 😎

I looked at my phone and seen it light up I got so carried away with Diavian that I wasn't even paying attention to my phone , I called Gino back and after 4rings he answered, "oh I thought you was mad at me"

Haha you silly , I just got carried away with your business shit helping Diavian but she said she can handle it so I left it alone . How is Jamaica babe ?

"I'm in the ghetto shorty , you ask me how's Jamaica is  I'm just ready to get this shit over and down with . But I'm goin call you later Ight ! "

Ok .

After I got off the phone with Gino I went over to my moms because she asked me to come over because she needed to talk to me , once I got over there I got out the car and use my Key to open the door I went in the kitchen and seen my mom cooking" hi momma "

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