1 - Black Goddess

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    Covered in blood. My raven black hair carries the scent of iron. My arms are covered in thick dark red. Not mine. But theirs. Irene Lue, some may call me, but I am widely known as the black goddess. Known across other regions. Known for slaughtering those that get in my way. They know of me, but do not know the sight of me.

I pull my silver, lustrous sword out of the soldier's ponderous chest and stare at its reflection. Black blood drips around the dead grass I am standing on and I hurry away. I run towards the enemy as my hooded cape flies after. Launching the blade through the neck and watching the geyser of blood rise, then fall.


    "Lieutenant Vile, she's exterminating the soldiers one by one. Their army is destroying ours. We must not let any others die. We must retreat now."

    "Their army may be smaller in number, but their technique is beyond ours. It's time to retreat. Spread the news quickly. We cannot afford anymore of our soldiers to die." I state urgently.

    The man passes the message and our army begins to retreat, desperately. We seem like cowards, so pathetic. But there's nothing we can do about it. We definitely cannot die out here. That'd be even more pathetic than this.

    I direct my horse the other direction and my comrades follow after. We run through the trails of the secluded forest to escape.


I see the enemy's soldiers escape from our grasp, but let them. I watch as the pitiful beings barely make it out alive. They'll remember this defeat. And I'll remember how woeful they looked too.

Lieutenant Vile. Let's see how long you can last in this world. This world where fire is what we breathe and death is what we feed off of.

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