2 - The White Butterflies

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Irene - 6 years ago (Age 12)

Grandpa asked me to come sit by him. He seems reserved, but the tone in his voice is eager to tell me something. Something of importance.

    I walk outside and find him sitting in the wooden bench at the front. He sees me and smiles. I walk towards him and sit to the left of him. He sets his grey eyes on the sky. We both have these cool, grey eyes. Everyone in my family does. But my family has died, all but Grandpa. Mother, father, and my older brother, gone with a fire. Gone when I was only six years old.

    "Grandpa, you needed to tell me something, right? What was it?"

    "Dear Irene, it's about time I tell you more about yourself." He spoke softly.

    "More about me? What do you mean?"

    "Our eyes. Many people don't have the color grey. You see, this family runs the blood of a dragon's. We are different. You are different." He speaks seriously, and he rarely does.

    "The blood of a dragon's? Me. Different? Grandpa, this doesn't make sense. How can our family, one that runs the blood of a dragon's, die from a fire? Wouldn't that be a humiliation to us all?" I asked him confused.

    "They didn't die because of a fire, Irene. They died because someone had murdered them."

    "Murdered them...? How can someone do such a thing? Why would they? Grandpa, why?" I pleaded him to tell me everything. Why did they do it? Who did it?

"In our previous town, they were killed because of the powers they had within them. Our powers develop at the age of four-teen. Before, people were always fond of our grey eyes. No one knew of the powers we had. But one day, someone eventually did. So they spread the news and our family became the outcast of the town. Everyone saw us as a threat. Our once adored eyes were now being ridiculed. And lies made their way around the town as well. Our reputation was damaged and we were left with a devastating life. I never knew people were so afraid of us to the point of murder. Until they died." He spoke with sadness in his eyes. Clouds begun to fill the sky. It's like he had just relived the moment of that time.

I hug Grandpa and my tears start to slip away. He wipes my tears away and tells me I shouldn't cry. I should be the strong girl he has always known. And I try to be for his sake and mine.

    "Grandpa, who... Killed them?" I asked.

"The killers have died along with our family. They had used their powers one last time. They would not go down without a fight, no matter how much times they were called monsters. Because they knew the real monsters were not them."

"What happens if someone tried to kill us?"

"If you are ever in a situation between life or death, follow the white butterflies. They will help guide you safely. They have always helped us in some ways. But sometimes, you just can't escape death."

    I don't question it. I don't want to make Grandpa upset anymore. I don't want to get upset anymore either. Grandpa sighs and starts to walk back inside the old house. I follow him and soon we have our small and usual supper, beans and mashed potatoes.

    I wash up and start to head to bed. Grandpa lays in his bed and reads his book. I lay down towards my sleeping area. I sleep on the hard ground, but I don't mind. I grab the soft mud-colored blanket and wrap it around me. I cover my head under the blanket as well.

    "Remember. Follow the butterflies, there's a chance that you'll survive."
Grandpa reminds me.

"Yes, Grandpa. I will remember. Now good night."

    He sets his book down by his dresser and turns off the lamp's light. I begin to close my eyes and drift silently into my thoughts and dreams.

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