3 - The Awakening

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Irene - 4 years ago (Turning 14)

Tomorrow is my 14th birthday. It'll soon be the awakening to my powers. Ever since the day Grandpa told me the truth, I've been trying to figure out more about my family and its powers. Grandpa said that the reason why we have these powers is because our family is chosen to carry the blood of the dragons. It started with my great grandmother.

She was admired and loved among the people. She was kind and caring, Grandpa told me. She was the first to be born with grey eyes, regardless of both parents having brown ones. It was also said that there was a mark on her back. It was a glowing, blue scale-like mark that was placed in the center between her shoulder blades. Like the scale of a dragon's. She was the only one to have the mark, out of all of the ones who had powers.

    He said his mother helped the poor and the weak. No one knew that it was her powers that had restored their health. Our powers are meant to help others. But even so, I'm sure she would've helped even without her powers.

    Though not everyone liked her, she was favored among the most. Her existence had left us a great reputation. My family had been respected for many years. Until our secret was out.

    The powers my family had were all different. My mother had the power to read people's minds. If she knew what others were thinking, she could help get rid of their worries. My father had the power of strength to help carry heavy packages, crates, and anything that was unbearably heavy for "normal" people.

My brother was 15, he hadn't lived with a power for that long. Pretty sure he was getting used to controlling it. He had the power to remember everything he sees. Like if he read books on medication, he'd remember what to do to help others. This also means he must've remembered the horrible events that lead up to his death. I just miss them all.

When I was younger, Mother and Father wouldn't let me go out. Maybe it was because they knew of the powers and had thought about what could've happened to them. Thinking it could affect me. But soon after others had found out, their reason to prevent me from going out was the fear that people would look down upon me, instead.

    Because of rarely leaving the house, no one really knew about me. I don't think they even remembered the Lue family having a daughter.

After they killed my family, they always believed that the powers were gone for good and there was nothing left to be afraid of. They had already forgotten the fact that my great grandmother had helped them. All because of the fears of what our powers could do.

Now, I am able to go out more often. It's because no one knows I am one of them. Not unless they look into my eyes. And to prevent that, I wear a black and hooded cape. Many people wear capes and shawls, so I don't get noticed much.

    "Grandpa, is it alright if I head to the library for a while?"

    "Sure, be home soon. When you get back, we can talk more about your powers and what'll happen from there on out." He said.

    "Thanks, Grandpa! I'll be back in an hour."

    "Have fun, Irene."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2018 ⏰

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