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Hoseok P.O.V
It's really dark outside and cold.It's snowing and everyone is outside except me.I'm to tired.I don't like the cold.I'll just watch as everyone in town plays in the snow.Jin came in and made me hot chocolate.Then went back outside.I saw Yoongi outside playing with Jimin.It made me smile to see Yoongi.
Every time I see him I smile.He makes me happy.But were just friends.There is nothing behind that.Then Jin walked in and yelled something to someone.
Jin:Hey Hoseok.I'm making food.
I stared back out the window.
Jin:If you like Yoongi you should tell him how you feel.
Hoseok:What?I don't like Yoongi.
Jin:I know you do.
Hoseok:What if he doesn't like me?
Jin:Who wouldn't?
Hoseok:You don't like me.
Jin:I might not but Yoongi will.Trust me.
Hoseok:What are you cooking?
Jin:Kimchi stew.
Hoseok:Sounds good.
I looked out the window and thought of what Jin said.Yoongi turn around and looked at me and smiled.He stared walking to the house.
Yoongi:Hey Hoseok.
Yoongi:Why don't you come outside?
Hoseok:I don't feel like it.
Yoongi:Okay.Jin is the food done.
Jin:In a couple minutes.You to go outside.
Then Yoongi grabbed my hand and pulled me outside.I started blushing.
Hoseok:Let go of me Yoongi.m
Yoongi:Come on!
Hoseok:I'm coming.
Yoongi:Your to slow.
Hoseok:I'm not.
Jimin:Hey Yoongi and...Hoseok.
Yoongi:Do y'all want to do a snowball fight?
Jin:Food is ready!
Yoongi:After we eat.

Namjoon:This food is good.
Jin:I know.My food is always good.
Yoongi:Mine is not good...
Hoseok,Yoongi:It's delicious!
Jin:Thank you.But don't let your food get cold.You don't want cold food in a cold night.
Taeyhung:Let's watch a movie after we eat.
Yoongi:I wanted to do snowball fight with Hoseok!
Jin:It's dark you won't be able to see anything.
Taeyhung:What movie do y'all want to watch?
Jungkook:Jurassic Park Fallen Kingdom!
Jin:I'll watch that.
Yoongi:I don't care.
Taeyhung:We can watch it if..I can pick the movie next.
Jin:You can pick the next movie Tae.
Namjoon:I'm going to sleep.
Jimin:I'm taking a shower.
Jungkook:No disagreements so let's watch it.
Hoseok:Let's Get snacks.
Jin:Okay.Hoseok,Yoongi get snacks.Jungkook,Tae get drinks.I will find the movie.
Yoongi:Okay mom.
Jin:I'm not a girl!
Yoongi:You act like my parent.
Jin:No.I'm just giving you a job to do.
Yoongi:So you are acting like my boss.
Jin:Go do your job!
Hoseok:Go do your job!
Jungkook:Y'all are slow we are finished.
Jin:were not slow.
Taeyhung:You haven't found the movie.
Jungkook:Y'all didn't even get the snacks.
Yoongi:Then let's go Hoseok.
Hoseok:Jin you can go get the movie like you were told.
Jin:Hey I told myself to do it!

Hoseok:Start the movie.
Jungkook:Okay.Where is the remote?
Jin:On the counter.
Just as Jungkook got the remote and pressed play the power went out.
Jungkook:You have to be kidding me!
Jin:We can watch some other time.
Yoongi:Jimin was still in the shower.
Jin:I'll bring him a lantern.

Jin:Here is a lantern.
Jimin:Thank you.
Jin:Your welcome.
Yoongi:Let's do something fun.
Hoseok:What can we do that is fun if the power is out?
Yoongi:Dark tag.
Jin:Yes!That is so fun!
Jungkook:Me and Tae will play.
Yoongi:Who will count.
Jungkook:Yup!Going to go hide!
Hoseok:Where should we hide Yoongi?
Yoongi:In my room is a hidden door let's go in there.
Jin:9...10 ready or not here I come!

Jin:Found you!
Taeyhung:Dang it!

Jin:Found you!
Jungkook:Shh!Act like you didn't find me.
Jin:Get out of the closet.

Jin:Where are you?

Jin:Okay I found the other two so come on.
Hoseok:Let's do another round.
Jin:I found Tae first.
Yoongi:Let's hide were we did before.

I woke up the next day in a dark room with someone beside me.I got up and found my phone by moving my hands around.I turned on the light and saw Yoongi!We must've fell asleep when we were playing dark tag.
Hoseok:Yoongi wake up.

Hoseok:Yoongi wake up!
Hoseok:We fell asleep in your secret room.
Yoongi:Open the door.
Hoseok:It's stuck!

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