Cinnamon pumpkin spice

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Yoongi:Let's go to the cafe.
Hoseok:Why There?
Yoongi:They Have this new latte I want to try.
Hoseok:I guess we could try it.
*Time skipped*
Yoongi:Mmm!This latte is good!
Hoseok:Yeah this is good!What did you say it was called?
Yoongi:Cinnamon pumpkin spice.
Hoseok:Do you now what Holliday is close by?
Yoongi:Okay and.
Hoseok:We can go trick or treating!
Yoongi:So..Um what do you like?

Hoseok:Well movies I like...
*Time skipped*
Yoongi P.O.V
He kept naming different stuff.But what he said made me choke on my drink.
Hoseok:People I like.You.Im finish.
Yoongi:Okay.I guess I'll go.
Hoseok:Hurry because I am almost finished with my latte.
Yoongi:Um..Food I like is..
*Time skipped*
Hoseok:Finished my latte.
Yoongi:People I love is...My mother and father.
Yoongi:Another person is Hoseok.
Hoseok:Aww!I love you too!
Yoongi:I'm finished so let's go to the park.
Hoseok:Okay.Why the park?
Yoongi:The sun is setting and I want to watch.
Hoseok:That sounds like a good idea.
Yoongi:Look at the sky.
Hoseok:It's pretty.
Yoongi:You now who else is pretty?
Yoongi:No!These blue flowers.
Yoongi:Your not pretty.Boys are handsome or ugly.
Hoseok:So..I'm handsome.
Namjoon:What are y'all doing?
Namjoon:Okay..This is my girlfriend.Her name is Da-eun.
Hoseok:Hi I'm Hoseok.
Da-eun:Hi nice to meet you Hoseok.
Yoongi:Hi I'm Yoongi.
Da-eun:Hi.So what are y'all doing?
Yoongi:Well we just got done drinking the new latte at the cafe.Now we are waiting till the sun goes down.

Namjoon:We are going to the cafe now.
Yoongi:The new latte is called cinnamon pumpkin spice.
Namjoon:Thank you.
Hoseok:Have a nice time.
Namjoon:You two.
Da-eun:Are y'all a couple?
Yoongi:Me and Hoseok?

Yoongi:She looked like she didn't like us.
Hoseok:That is way I didn't tell her we are a couple.
Yoongi:So the sun went down.What time is it?
Yoongi:Let's go.
Hoseok:What movie are we going to watch at ten?
Yoongi:There is a movie about two people who are boys who are in a relationship.I wanna watch it.
Hoseok:Fine.Can we go home next?
*Time skipped*
Yoongi:Were here!
Hoseok:I have never seen you this excited about something at ten.
Yoongi:Umm...The tickets are all sold out.
Hoseok:That sucks!What other movie do you want to watch?
Yoongi:Let's go to the cafe agin!
Hoseok:Uh!Okay fine.
*Time skipped*
Hoseok:We want cinnamon pumpkin spice latte.
Yoongi P.O.V
The waitress was staring at Hoseok and built up a conversation with him.
Waitress:So who do you think is the cutest waitress in this room?
Yoongi:Isn't that inappropriate question?
Waitress:I wasn't talking to you.
Yoongi:I still heard.
Waitress:Anyway who do you think is the cutest?
And he pointed at me.
Waitress:Your gay!
(I don't have any problem with non-straight relationship)
Hoseok:Do you have a problem with that?
Hoseok:Shut up you stupid little shit!
Yoongi:Let's go.
Hoseok:You are a stupid little shit!That doesn't care about anything but your stupid self!I'm never coming here agin!I want everyone to know in this room that is is the rudest person I've ever meet!She just wants to get with someone and she doesn't support non-Straight relationship!Fuck you!
Yoongi:Let's go Hoseok.
Customers:That is rude of that waitress!She should be fired.If I was Her I would be ashamed of myself.She yelled at that man just because he was gay.Fire her!Fire her!Fire her!Fire her!
Boss:What is going on?
Customers:She yelled at a customer because he was gay.
Boss:We don't like gay people.
Customers:Were leaving!Never coming back!That is rude!
Boss:Don't leave.Ill fire her if you stay.
Customers:Were still leaving.
*Time skipped*
Yoongi:I'm sorry she yelled at you.
Hoseok:It's not your fault.
Namjoon:Hoseok,Yoongi are y'all okay we were in the cafe when y'all got yelled at.
Hoseok:Y'all were.
To be continued.....

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