New Years Eve

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Jimin P.O.V
It's almost New Years.Its my favorite time of the Year!!Its a new year,Make a New Year revolution.
Jin:You are supposed to take out the trash.
Jimin:I don't want to!
Jin:But you need to.
Jimin:Why can't I just stay on my phone and watch TV?
Jin:It's not good for you.
Jimin:Then why do just sit there and tell us to do all the work?
Jin:I don't!
Jimin:Your a hypocrite.
Jin:What is the definition?
Jimin:It is Jin.
Jin:Haha.Very funny.😡
Jimin:It means A person who indulges in hypocrisy.Like a pretender or dissembler.
Jin:Well today is your lucky day because I'm not one!
Jimin:Yes you are.
Namjoon:Hey Jin and Jimin!
Jimin:Isn't Jin a hypocrite?
Jimin:Told You Jin.
Jin:There is four other people in this house who haven't agreed or disagreed.
Jimin:Everyone Will most likely will agree with me and Namjoon.
Namjoon:That is true.
Jin:Whatever I'm going to make me some Gimbap.
Jimin:I want some!
Namjoon:Make me some too!
Jin:No!You kept calling me a hypocrite!
Namjoon:We will stop calling you a hypocrite!
Namjoon:Thank you!
Hoseok P.O.V
I woke up and smelled something really good.I smelled this smell before.But What was it?
It smelled like toasted seaweed.It also smelled like ham and spinach.I think someone most likely Jin is cooking Gimbap.
I turned to see Yoongi still asleep.He looks comfortable.
Jin:Your food is done stupids!
Jimin:Who are you talking to like that?
Namjoon:Haha!He called you stupid!
Jin:So are you!
Namjoon:Hey he could you stupid too!
Jin:Shut up and eat your food before it gets cold!
Jimin:Okay Dang!
Jin:I don't have to!I made you this food and I could take it away and eat it myself!
Jimin:You can't do that!
Jin:I will!
Namjoon:Jin you the oldest and your acting like a four year old.
Yoongi:SHUT UP!
Jin:Yes sir.
Hoseok:What are y'all doing?
Jin:What does it look like?
Hoseok:Never mind.
Namjoon:Were eating.
Jimin:Why is everyone so rude today?
Jungkook:Yeah Jin was arguing with Jimin and Namjoon,And Yoongi just yelled at them.
Jimin:Where did you come from?
Jungkook:The stairs.
Jimin:What do you mean?
Jungkook:I was siting on the stairs listening to you guys talk.
Jimin:Okay wow.
Jin:Well guys your food is cold.
Jin said that as he put his bowl in the dishwasher after rinsing his bowl off.To day is New Years Eve.I guess I'm going to eat me some food.But What food should I eat?
Yoongi P.O.V
I finally decided to get up after being on my phone for a hour.I am kinda hungry.I smelled food earlier but I felt to lazy to get up.I smell food agin so maybe I should go to the kitchen and get some food.
Hoseok:Hey!You hungry?
Hoseok:I am making me some Hoeddeok.You want some?
Yoongi:I'm going to brush my teeth real quick be back.
Hoseok:Yeah I bet your breath stinks.
Yoongi:That rude!
Hoseok:I was kidding.
Yoongi:You better be!(He said while he rolled up his sleeve on his blue and black sweater)
Hoseok:Go brush your teeth.(Laughs)
Taeyhung:What are you doing Hoseok?
Hoseok:Cooking me and Yoongi food.
Taeyhung:What are you cooking?
Taeyhung:I Now that but what kind of food?
Taeyhung:Never mind.
Hoseok:I'm cooking Hoeddeok.
Yoongi:Hi Tae.
Taeyhung:Hey Yoongi.
Hoseok:It's 8:38.
Taeyhung:That means you have been asleep for almost the whole day Yoongi.
Hoseok:No.Its almost New Year!
Jimin:So what do y'all want to do for New Years?
Jungkook:I don't know.
Hoseok:Well I guess Jungkook and Jimin decided to join the conversation.
Yoongi:It wasn't funny Taeyhung.
Taeyhung:I thought it was!
Jimin:Y'all are so loud something.
Taeyhung:Your So aggressive sometimes when you laugh you hit people so hard!
Jimin:So!That doesn't have anything to do with being loud!
Yoongi:Y'all are so dumb!
Hoseok:The food is done.
Jimin:Yoongi shut up!
Taeyhung:Y'all both shut up!
Hoseok:The food is done!
Taeyhung:Jimin!You are so stupid!
Yoongi:Taeyhung you are not any smarter!Neither of y'all are smarter than me!
There not even listening to me so I decided to eat my warm food and listen to them argue.
Jimin:Yoongi I'm smarter than you are!And your older than me!
Yoongi:That is a lie!
Taeyhung:Listen we all know I'm smarter than both of y'all!
Yoongi:Y'all are the dumbest in the house!
Taeyhung:You are the dumbest in the whole world even a rock is smarter than you!
I finished my food and left and could still hear them arguing over stupid stuff.They should just relax.Yoongi should eat his food.How did they even start arguing anyway?
I remember Jimin asked what we wanted to do for the holiday and I asked a question then Tae laughed.Yoongi said it wasn't funny then that's how the argument began.
Yoongi P.O.V
Me,Jimin,and Taeyhung argued for a while I could hear Hoseok say something but I didn't care.We finally decided to stop arguing and do something else.I looked to where Hoseok was standing and saw he was gone and the food was done.I'm guessing he ate then left.Thats probably what he was trying to tell me.I guess I will eat some.I heard creeks in the floor.So I turned just in Time to see Hoseok right behind me ready to grab me.
Yoongi:Ah woo!
Hoseok:What are going Ah Woo for?
Hoseok:Because I scared you.
Yoongi:No!I was singing.
Hoseok:Okay What ever.Is the food good?
Yoongi:I don't know I was trying to get some until you scared me!
Hoseok:So I did scare you!
Yoongi:Did I say scared me?I mean you tried to scare me.
Hoseok:I bet it's cold so let me heat it up for you.
Yoongi:You don't have to do that.
Hoseok:I will anyway.
Yoongi:Do you.
Hoseok:I will do me.
Hoseok:Guess What time it is!
Hoseok:Eleven o'clock!
Hoseok:So That means it's almost a new year!
Yoongi:Why are you excited about a new year?Nothings going to change.
Hoseok:I am excited about everything so yeah.Deal with it.
Yoongi:Hey genus you can get my food out of the microwave.
Then he left me for me to eat by myself.Then just about fifty minutes later he came running out of my room to the living room and turned
on the TV.
Yoongi:I have never seen you run so fast in my life.
Hoseok:Ten minuets until the next year!!

He lz that so fast that all I heard was ten and next.He was nearly out of breath.
Yoongi:I guess I will watch the count down with you.
Jin:Here I Come!
Then after awhile everyone was in the living room waiting for the last ten seconds of the year.I was lost in thought until I heard...
Everyone:10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 HAPPY NEW YEAR!
I was to late to count down but I don't really get the point in counting down the last ten seconds of the year.It is just a new year.Whats the big deal?Tomorrow is New Years Day so I have to prepare myself because there all going to want to go somewhere.Im going to sleep it's twelve.There going to wake me up at ten AM.
Yoongi:Goodnight everyone.
No one answered me.They just sat there talking,laughing,and shouting.Hoseok will probably go to my room in a little bit.

I woke up because there was a loud bang then my door opened.
Hoseok:Yoongi?You awake?
Yoongi:Now....I am.
Hoseok:I'm going to sleep in here.
Yoongi:What was that loud noise?
Hoseok:I hit my leg.
Yoongi:Are you okay?!
Hoseok:Sh.Yes I'm fine.
Yoongi:Okay come in.
Hoseok:Thank you.
Yoongi:Why did you want to sleep in here?
Hoseok:I don't know.Just kinda scared.I was watching scary videos when Jin,Jungkook,Taeyhung,Jimin,and Namjoon left.I kinda felt a little weird.
Yoongi:Lay down.Don't worry there is no ghost or person beside the people who are supposed to live here are here.
Hoseok:Your sentence made no sense.
Yoongi:There is no ghost.There is no stranger here.
Hoseok:I fell better.
Yoongi:Goodnight I love you.
Hoseok:Love you too.

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