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Jimin P.O.V
Great now it's raining and I didn't take my phone with me!I have to walk home myself.In this rain a half mile away!
Why did this have to happen to me?!!
I feel weird.I feel...

Hoseok P.O.V
Didn't Jimin day he was going for a walk?I should look around the house.
Namjoon:Jimin is walking.
Hoseok:It's raining I need to pick him up.
Namjoon:He left his phone here.
Hoseok:Shit.He could get really sick!
Namjoon:I'll go with your to find him.
Hoseok:Let's hurry!

I was driving for not to long until I found someone laying on the side of the road.I pulled over and got out with a umbrella.I bend over to see who it was.The person was past out because who would sleep in the rain.The person didn't look familiar until I watched that person.Its was.....
Jungkook P.O.V
Were is Hoseok?I want him to make me more food I'm hungry!I should tell Yoongi to.
Jungkook:Yoongi!Make me food!
Yoongi:What do you want to eat?
Yoongi:That sounds good actually I will make me some too.
Jungkook:Why are you telling me make it!?
Yoongi:Call Hoseok and see where he is.
Hoseok:Get ten blankets and whatever is warm!!
Hoseok:Just do it!
Yoongi:Here is five blankets!
Hoseok:Thank you get two hot rags!
Yoongi:On it!
Taeyhung:Already got the three rags!
Hoseok:Thank you!
Jungkook:What else?
Yoongi:I'm making Gimbap!Is that Okay?

Namjoon:What is it?
Jimin:I need...


Namjoon:Jimin speak to me!(Tearing up)
Jimin:I need to go to the doctor.
Namjoon:Let's go then.Hoseok can you take him to the doctor?
Jimin:Can you c..come to...Namjoon?
Namjoon:I will come.
Namjoon:Your welcome.You should sleep on the way there.
Jimin:(Loud Coughs)I will.
Namjoon:Hoseok you go to the car and I will carry Jimin.
Taeyhung:You need help carrying Jimin?
Namjoon:No.But thank you for asking.
Taeyhung:Your welcome.

Doctor:What happened?
Namjoon:He was stuck outside in the rain.
Doctor:We will give him a check up.

Doctor:Hey Jimin!How are you feeling?
Jimin:I feel cold and sick.
Doctor:We are going to give you a check up.
Jimin:How long will it take?
Doctor:Not long.

Doctor:The test say you have a cold.You can not go anywhere for seven days because your cold is bad.
Jimin:Okay.Thank you.
Doctor:Oh.Wait Namjoon said he wants to carry you to the car!
Jimin:Okay I'll text him and tell him I'm done.
Doctor:I will go and tell him instead.
Jimin:Thank you.

Doctor:He has a cold.
Namjoon:Is he feeling okay?
Doctor:Yeah.He can't go anywhere until seven days are over starting tomorrow.
Namjoon:I will take good care of him.
Doctor:He needs all the care he can get.
Namjoon:Don't worry there is five other people in the house.
Doctor:Umm...Okay bye.

Namjoon:Let's go home Jimin!
Namjoon:Are you sleepy?
Namjoon:Go to sleep.
Jimin:I'm in your arms.
Namjoon:Just lay your head down and sleep.

Jimin:Thank you.
Namjoon:Your very welcome Jiminie.

(Sorry this chapter and the last was about Jimin.Because this storyus about Hoseok and Yoongi but I had to add Jimin's story.)

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