I Wanna Be

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August's Pov
We finish the movie and I slowly slide from up under Ann and I pick her up and look at Sky. "You gone show me where her room at?" She gets up and walks upstairs and I follow behind her. We walk in a room and I lay Ann down and I pull the cover over her and I walk out the room. Sky follows behind me and She says. "Do you really like her or?" I look at her. "Yes I do." We walk back downstairs and Chris looks at me. "Bro we got to go." I look at Sky. "Tell my baby I'll call her tomorrow." Me and Chris walk outside and get in his car. He looks at me and shakes his head. I look at him and say. "Why you shaking your head?" He says. "You whipped." I look at him. "Just focus on the road man." He drives to my house and I look out the window. He pulls up at my house and I get out and walk inside. I walk upstairs in my room and I get in the bed. I turn on the tv and I watch tv until I fall asleep. I wake up the next morning and I get up and I walk in the bathroom and do my hygiene stuff. I put on my clothes and I walk out the bathroom and grab my phone and call Ann.
Phone convo
Lil Bae😍:hi
Me: wassup bae
Lil Bae😍: I'm not your bae
Me: you are but what you got going on today
Lil Bae😍: I'm grocery shopping rn
Me: bring me some good snacks
Lil Bae😍: no and before you say anything you not getting none of my food
Me: you gone share with me watch
Lil Bae😍:I'm not cause I'm not even going to open my door for you
Me: oh wow I see how you do me bae
Lil Bae😍: boy bye
End of convo
I hang up the phone and I drive to Ann's house.  I turn on the radio and I pull up at her house a few minutes later. Ann pulls up and gets out the car. I get out and walk over to her. She starts getting the bags out the car and I says. "Let me help you with those." She shakes her head and walks in the house. I get the bags out the trunk and I walk inside the house.
I walk in the kitchen and She turns around and looks at me. "What made you decide to come over?" I say. "I just came to chill with you." She shakes her head. "We chilled last night." I look at him. "I know but I wanted to see you again." She rolls her eyes and walks out the kitchen.
I follow behind her and say. "Let me take you out tonight." She turns around and looks at me. "Take me where?" I say. "Don't worry about it just say yes." She says."Ok you can take me out." I look at her. "Good bae and you want to watch a movie." She sits down on the couch and I sit next to her. I look at her. "Bae." She looks at me and rolls her eyes. "Boy I told you I'm not your bae." I say. "After tonight you will be." She shakes her head and turns on the tv. Me and Ann watch tv for awhile and I look at her and say. "You about to go and get ready?" She looks at me and gets up and she walks upstairs.
Sky's Pov
Ann phone starts ringing and She shakes her head. Chris and August walk in the kitchen and I walk over to her and say. "Who was that?" She looks at me. "Nobody." She gets up and walks in the kitchen. I get on my phone and Ann walks out the kitchen. She sits down on the couch and I look at her. "Where mine at?" She says. "It's in the kitchen." August and Chris walks in the living room and Chris sits next to me and says. "We got to get them two together." I look at him and nod my head. I look over at Ann and I see that she's sleeping. August slides from under Ann and picks her up. August looks at me. "You gone show me where her room at?" I get up and walk upstairs and August follows behind me. We walk Ann's room and He lays Ann down and pulls the cover over her. We walk out the room and I say. "Do you really like her or?" He looks at me. "Yes I do." We walk back downstairs and Chris says. "Bro we got to go." August looks at me. "Tell my baby I'll call her tomorrow." They walk outside and I grab my keys and walk out the door. I lock the door behind me and I get in my car and drive home. I pull up in my driveway a few minutes later and I get out and walk inside. I walk upstairs in my room and I get in the bed and go to sleep. I wake up and I get up and walk in the bathroom. I do my hygiene stuff. I walk out the bathroom and I hear someone knocking on the door. I grab my phone and walk downstairs. I open the door and I see Chris. "What you doing here?" Chris looks at me. "I came to chill with you." I step to the side and let him in. He walks in and my phone starts ringing. I answer the phone.
Phone convo
Marie🍒🅿️: wassup boo
Me: shit just chillin'
Marie🍒🅿️: let me guess with Chris
Me: yeah girl
Marie🍒🅿️: I knew it
Me: like you not chillin' with Aug
Marie🍒🅿️: I'm not girl
Me: mhm idk why not but you need to be
Marie🍒🅿️: girl no
Me: but you was all on him the other night
Marie🍒🅿️: I know I was girl
Me: so call or text him and go chill with him
Marie🍒🅿️: he probably busy
Me: I bet he'd drop everything for you
Marie🍒🅿️: whatever girl just hmu later
End of convo
I hang up the phone and Chris looks at me. "That was Ann wasn't it?" I nod my head and look at him. "She know she want to chill with August." He says. "Lil Ann just trying to play hard to get." I roll my eyes and shake my head. I walk in the living room and I sit on the couch. Chris follows behind me and sits next to me. I look at him. "Why you trying to get them together so bad?" He looks at me. "Cause my bro really like her." I shake my head. "Mhm."  He says. "He do but what about you, why you trying to play hard to get." I glare at him. "I'm not trying to play hard to get." He shakes his head. "You are just like lil Ann." I say. "How I'm trying to play hard to get and no she's not."

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