Handle it

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      Ann Marie's Pov
August been blowing me up for the past few days. I haven't really been out the house lately except for when I go to the studio. I get up and walk in the bathroom and do my hygiene stuff and I throw on me some jeans and a white shirt. I put on my nikes and grab my keys and phone and walk downstairs and get in my car. I drive to the store and I turn on the radio. I pull up at the store and get out and walk inside. I get a small basket and I walk around the store. I get my phone out my back pocket and I see I got a text from August

      August: can we talk Ann?
Sent 7:53pm
I roll my eyes and I put my phone in my back pocket. I walk to the frozen meat aisle and I get some ground beef. I put it in my basket and I walk off the aisle. I bump into someone and I look up at him. "I'm sorry." He turns around and looks at me. "You good shorty." A little girl comes running up to him and says. "Uncle can I have Oreos?" I smile at her and I turn to walk away,but he grabs my hand. I turn to face him and he says. "I didn't get your name." I look at him. "It's Ann Marie and yours." He says. "It's Khalil and this my niece Cali." I smile and say. "It's nice you meet you guys." Cali says. "uncle  she's pretty." He says. "Yeah she's beautiful." I look down and blush a little and he lifts my head up and says. "Why you looking down?" I look at him and shake my head. "Mhm no reason." He says. "Can I have your number?" He hands me his phone and I put my number in. I hand it back to him and I walk off. I finish grocery shopping and I walk to the front of the store and get in line. I pay for my things and walk outside to my car. I put my bags in the car and I get in and drive home. I pull up in the driveway and get my bags and walk inside. My phone dings and I see I got a text from Sky.
Sky😑🅿️: where you at
Me: at home
Sky😑🅿️: aight I'm about slide thru
Me: ok but girl I got to tell you something
Sky😑🅿️: tell me what
Me: I'll tell you when you get here
Sky😑🅿️: aight but have you talked to August yet
Me: no and I don't plan on it
Sky😑🅿️: you're going to have to at some point
Me: maybe you're right but not right now
I put my groceries away and I sit on the couch and wait on Sky. Someone knocks on the door and I get up and open it. Sky walks in and says. "Ok so spill it." I look at her. "Is that the only reason you came over?" She looks at me. "Pretty much." I roll my eyes. "I met this dude at the store and he asked for my number." She says. "I hope you gave it to him." I nod my head. "But I don't think we're going to start dating."  Sky looks at me. "Mhm that's what you saying now." I shake my head and My phone dings. She says. "Mhm I wonder who that is?" I roll my eyes and get my phone and text khalil back
Khalil: wassup this Khalil
Me: wassup
Khalil: wyd tomorrow
Me: nothing why
Khalil: can I see you tomorrow
Me: I guess so
Khalil: nah ain't no you guess
Me: boy aight
Khalil: aight big head
Me: nigga you the one with the big head
I roll my eyes and Sky says. "Mhm."  I look at her. "Mhm what?" She shakes her head and says. "So what you going to do about August?" I shrug. "Idk." She looks at me. "You know I got your back whatever decision you make." I glare at her. "Uh huh,but what you doing tonight?" She says. "Nothing why wassup." I shake my head and She looks at me. "You want to go out don't you?" I look at her and say. "Maybe." She says. "Let's go and text your friend too." I roll my eyes and walk upstairs in my room. I walk in the bathroom and do my hygiene stuff.  I finish up and I put on my clothes.

I walk out the bathroom and Sky looks at me

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I walk out the bathroom and Sky looks at me. "Mhm I see you,but did you text yo friend tho." I roll my eyes. "No and I'm not going to." She says. "Ann you better text him now." I get my phone and text Khalil.
Me: hi you busy tonight
Khalil: no why
Me: oh I was wondering did you want to go out tonight
Khalil: yeah I'll go
Me: aight big head
Khalil: yo head bigger than mine
Me: now you know you lying
I shake my head and I walk out the room and Sky says. "Did you even tell him what club we're going to?" We walk downstairs and outside and get in her car. She drives off and I get my phone and text Khalil.
Me: we going to the Havana Club
Sky drives to the club and I look out the window. We pull up at the club and get out and walk inside. I walk over to the bar and sit down. Khalil comes and sits next to me and I look at him. "Hi,you made it." He says. "I told you I was coming big head." I glare at him. "Shut Up Cause yo head bigger than mine." He looks at me. "Oh somebody big mad." I say. "Just keep on and I'm not mad." Chris and August walk up to me and Chris says. "Ann Who's this?" I roll my eyes and say. "This Khalil." August looks at me. "So,this why you didn't reply back to me?" Khalil looks at me. "Ann lets go and dance." Chris looks at him. "Nah she not going nowhere." I get up and grab Khalil's hand and walk to the dance floor. We start dancing and Khalil looks at me and says. "Let me guess one of them was your ex?" I say. "Yeah." We finish dancing and walk back over to the bar. Chris says. "So,you just going to do my nigga like that?" Khalil says. "She don't want to talk to him so leave." August says. "Nigga this ain't got shit to do with you." I turn around and look at him. "We don't have shit to talk about." Sky looks at me. "We should go?" Khalil gets up and looks at me. "I'll walk you out." We get up and walk outside and Khalil says to me. "I'll see you later big head." I glare at him. "Just keep on." Me and Sky get in the car and she looks at me. "Mhm." I shake my head. "Girl just drive." She drives off and I look out the window. Sky says. "That boy feeling you." I look at her and shake my head and she pulls up at my house. I get out and walk inside and pin my hair up. I walk in the bathroom and do my hygiene stuff  and put on my clothes and get in the bed. My phone goes off and I get my phone and see who texted me.
Khalil: I was just trying to make sure you made it home safely
Me: I did big head thanks tho
Khalil: bruh yo head bigger than mine
Me: it's not boy and I'm about to go to bed
Khalil: it is and aight I'll see you later
I shake my head and put my phone on the charger and go to sleep.
August's Pov
I've been blowing up Ann's phone for the past few days. I finally decide to text her and wait for her to reply.
Me: can we talk Ann?
Sent 7:53pm
Chris walks in the house and says. "You talked to Ann?" I shake my head. "Nah." He says. "Want me to try and talk to her?" I say. "Nah lets just go out tonight." I get up and walk upstairs in my room and go in the bathroom and do my hygiene stuff. I put on my outfit and walk downstairs. Chris says. "Let's go Sky and Ann at the Havana Club." I nod my head and we walk outside and get in his car. He drives to the club and says. "You going to talk to her?" I say. "Ima try." We pull up at the club and we get out and walk inside. I see Ann sitting at the bar with some dude. Chris looks at me and walk over to them and I follow behind him. Chris says. "Ann Who's this?" She rolls her eyes and says. "This Khalil." I look at her. "So,this why you didn't reply back to me?" Khalil says. "Ann lets go and dance." Chris looks at him. "Nah she not going nowhere." They get up and walk to the dance floor. They start dancing and I glare at Ann. "Aight I see how she do." Sky walks up and says. "Nigga what you expect when you did her dirty." Chris shakes his head. "Bro you did do her dirty tho." I shake my head. "Yeah I know." They walk back over to the bar and sit down. Chris says. "So,you just going to do my nigga like that?" Khalil says. "She don't want to talk to him so leave." I say. "Nigga this ain't got shit to do with you." Ann turns around and looks at me. "We don't have shit to talk about." Sky says. "We should go?" Khalil gets up and They walk outside. Chris looks at me. "Man just let her move on." I sit at the bar and I order me a a few drinks. I look at Chris and say. "Don't drink too much."  I order me another drink. Me and Chris walk out the club and get in his car. I get on my phone and text Ann.
Me: We need to talk
Chris says. "I told you to let her move on." I shake my head. "Nah I got to talk to her." He drives to my house and I get out and walk inside.

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