Chapter 8

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Ann Marie's Pov
I walk downstairs and grab my keys and August says. "You look good bae." I shake my head and walk outside.we get in his car and I look at him. "So where we going?" He says. "You'll see." I shake my head and look out the window. We pull up at a nice restaurant and we get out. August walks over to me and grabs my hand. I look at him and say. "So you been had this planned huh." He looks at me. "I have." I shake my head. "How you know I was going to say yes tho?" He looks at me and says. "I was hoping you'd say yes." I shake my head and we walk inside the restaurant. August looks at the hostess and says. "Reservations for Alsina." She walks us to our table and August pulls out my chair. I sit down and I look through my menu. August says. "You know what you want bae?" I look up at him and say. "No." He says. "I'll order for you." The waitress walks over to our table and August orders our food. I look at him. "Why are you looking at me like that?" He shakes his head and says. "Wym?" I shake my head and get on my phone. He says. "So,you just going to get on your phone?" I look up at him and get off my phone. He looks at me and I say. "What?"
Sky's Pov
Chris looks at me and shakes his head. I say. "Why you shaking your head?" He says. "No reason, but when you going to stop playing." I say. "I'm not playing." Chris looks at me. "Call Ann and tell her to come through." I look at him. "She probably with August." He says. "You right." I shake my head. "They always together." Chris looks at me. "You need to be more like Ann cause you never want to hang out with me." I roll my eyes. "Nigga I got a life." I get up and walk upstairs and into my room. I get my phone and dial Ann's number,but she doesn't answer. I shake my head and Chris says. "What you doing?" I turn around and look at him. "I was trying to call Ann." Chris looks at me. "You know she probably at the studio or with Aug." I shake my head and hear someone knocking at the door. I walk downstairs and I open the door and see Aug. "I thought you was with Ann?" He walks in the house and says. "Nah she at the studio." Chris walks up to me and says. "She stay at the studio." I say. "My girl tryna get that money." Chris looks at Aug and says. "Bro you told her?" I look at them. "What y'all got going on?" August looks at me. "Nothing." I roll my eyes. "Why y'all niggas keeping secrets?" August says. "Girl ain't nobody keeping secrets." Ann walks in the house and says. "What y'all doing?" I look at her. "Damn bih I ain't seen you in awhile." She looks at me. "I been busy." Chris says. "You been busy getting the D." She walks over to him and smacks him. "Nigga stfu." He says. "Aye Aug get your girl." August says. "Bae leave my bro alone." She glares at him and rolls her eyes. I pull Ann to the side and whisper to her. "They ain't telling us something." She looks at me. "So,they keeping secrets." I nod my head and She walks over to Aug and Chris. "So we keeping secrets now niggas?" Chris looks at her. "Ann What you talking about?" She looks at Aug and he says. "Bae we don't know what you talking about." I shake my head. "Y'all some lying ass niggas." Me and Ann walk upstairs in my room and I say. "Girl we going out tonight or what?" She looks at me and says. "Bih come on then,but I got to go and change." I walk in my closet and pack me a overnight bag and I walk out and look at her. "Aight,but I'm getting ready at yo house." She walks out the room and I follow behind her. We walk downstairs and Aug looks at Ann. "Bae where you going?" She says. "Home and then we going out." We walk outside and get in her car. She drives home and I turn on the radio. We pull up in the driveway and get out. We walk inside and I say. "Don't be half naked cause I don't have time for August." She rolls her and walks upstairs. I shake my head and walk in the bathroom and get ready. I finish getting ready and walk out the bathroom. I see Ann walking downstairs and I look at her. "Now you know August gone have something to say." She looks at me and rolls her eyes. "And?,but let's go." We walk outside and get in my car. I drive to the club and Ann turns on the radio. We pull up at the club and we get out and walk inside.

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