Agricultural or Environmental Disasters

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After years of being genetically altered by scientists, corn, beans, apples, and other crops evolve sentience - humans wonder "what are we supposed to eat now?"

The world is in dire straits after the latest batch of genetically engineered potatoes is discovered to be highly explosive.

A botanist's experiments with Venus flytraps leads to disaster when the plants begin spreading like weeds, and growing large enough to eat a human being.

After dozens of volcanoes erupt in a single day, the sky is blotted out by volcanic ash. With no sunlight, the earth begins to freeze.

Scientists declare that they have solved the problem of hunger when they invent a highly nutritious, weed-like plant that can grow anywhere with no assistance from humans. The plant mutates, and grows faster and faster, covering the surface of the earth. Soon it reaches heights of fifty feet in a single night. Everyone has ample food, but getting around becomes impossible. Technology begins to deteriorate.

A land developer buys millions of acres of useless land: Antarctica. To make the land valuable, he constructs a gigantic, parabolic mirror to focus the sun's rays to melt the ice. As Antarctica is freed from its frozen wastes, the rest of the world experiences floods of epic proportions. The rising seas threaten to turn Florida into the next Atlantis.

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