Age Change

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A rebellious nineteen-year-old refuses to get a job, so her scientist mother makes her too young to need one

A politician decides to clean up the homeless in his city by kidnapping them, regressing them back to infancy, and then dropping them off at the local orphanage.

Variation - Prospective parents, worried that their future children won't grow up to be good people (or attractive people, or intelligent people) come to an unusual orphanage - Perspective parents describe their ideal child and orphanage employees look for an adult who matches. The adult is turned into a small child and adopted.

Another variation - A thirty-year-old man is paid a visit by the doctor who delivered him when he was born. The doctor informs him that, as the man is a failure as an adult, he has to come back to the hospital to be born again.

A boarding school has an unusual policy: fail your classes and you repeat a grade... and repeat a year of your life.

The local media ignores strange rumors of vampires controlling their city until the highschool hires a new principal and the seniors start looking like senior citizens.

After a scientist invents a rejuvenation pill, depressed and stressed adults return to their childhood to escape the pressures of being an adult. Soon, there is a severe shortage of parents.

A newlywed couple, unable to have children, visits a fertility clinic. The doctor announces that there is a problem with the husband's sperm. Later, the doctor meets with the wife in private and tells her that there may be a way to have the baby she always wanted. Her husband is not too happy with her plan...

A new resort becomes very popular with high-stress executives. They travel to a tropical island where they can spend their two weeks vacation as a child

The CEO of Fluffy Diapers, Inc. decides that her company would make more money if babies didn't grow up quite so fast...

Three brothers have no memory of their childhoods. They discover that their parents, wishing to avoid the troubles of raising infants, used chemical treatments to "fast forward" them to their teen years.

In the distant future, adults have grown to accept the totalitarian government, and only the young are idealistic enough to revolt. If adults attempt a rebellion, government soldiers regress them until they are too young to cause any trouble.

A college student develops the ability to control his age. Soon, he decides that he can escape the pressures of academia by returning to his preschool years. His parents try to force him to return to adulthood by throwing him out of the house, but he threatens to call Child Protective Services and have them arrested. They realize that he has the upper hand, and they may be forced to care for him for decades to come.

After graduating college, a young man wishes that he did not have to go to work. He gets his wish when he loses consciousness and wakes up in a retirement home.

A medical company approaches the government with a plan to eliminate prisons. Instead of criminals being locked away in jail, they could simply be regressed to childhood and re-raised. Unfortunately, even five-year-olds can commit crimes...

An eight-year-old girl keeps her favorite possessions in her tree house: her crayons, her tea set, and her book of black magic. One weekend, the girl is left alone with a babysitter. She uses her book of magic spells to regress her babysitter into an infant and keeps her as her living baby "doll."

The government sends an age-changing spy to an orphanage to investigate rumors of abuse. When she is suddenly adopted, she begins to wonder if her adulthood has slipped away for good.

A scientist's new job at a secret government laboratory is incredibly stressful. To help her relax, she uses the lab's rejuvenation machine and spends her weekends as a teenager. When her coworkers discover her little hobby, they decide to make her too young to reach the controls.

A doctor cures his wife's cancer with a special rejuvenation drug, making her age in reverse. Unfortunately, he can't make her regression stop.

Variation - A young mother is devastated when her teenage son develops cancer. A doctor informs her that an experimental treatment may be able to save his life - by reversing the aging process. After the treatments are over, the mother decides that her son needs a babysitter. As his mind was unaffected, he does not agree, especially since the only babysitter in town is his ex-girlfriend.

Another variation - A brilliant scientist is working on a cure for cancer. Strangely, her cure works by reversing the aging process, taking the patients back to before the cancer developed. Late one night, she comes home from work and finds her teenage son selling drugs. She decides to take him to the lab and turn him back to the sweet, little boy he used to be.

A thirteen-year-old boy discovers that he used to be a thirty-year-old man. After he committed a brutal murder, he was forced to choose between the death penalty or taking part in an experimental program to reverse the aging process. He was regressed to an infant and re-raised by new parents, and now government agents watch him constantly, waiting to see if he kills again.

A dozen astronauts are recruited to take part in a top-secret government program. The government is building the first spaceship designed to travel to distant planets. However, in order to save money and resources, the astronauts will be shrunk. Smaller people will eat less, breathe less, and take up less space. However, the astronauts soon discover that they will not be "shrunk" so much as "regressed"...

In the near future, new parents can avoid the stress of diapers and midnight feedings. They can simply take their infants to Timebender's Daycare. In seven short days, troublesome newborns are transformed into seven-year-old children.

In an effort to catch child molesters, the NYPD hires a team of shape-shifting adults to act as bait.

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