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A mutation in bacteria leads to a new sexually transmitted disease. As the disease progresses, the victim becomes more attractive, charming and amorous, until they finally die a horrendously painful death.

Astronauts returning to earth bring back a strange alien disease. The only symptom is ever-increasing euphoria, eventually leaving the victim so happy and content that they no longer feel any need to go to work, bathe, eat...

Scientists engineer a virus that dramatically increases human intelligence. Unfortunately, there is a side effect: obsessive paranoia. As people lose trust in each other, society begins to crumble.

A man named Gary comes down with a bad cold. In his job at a nuclear power plant, he is exposed to a strong dose of radiation which mutates the virus. Instead of injecting its own DNA into human cells, the cold virus injects copies of Gary's DNA. Anyone who catches Gary's cold is slowly transformed into his clone. The planet soon has an epidemic of Garyitis.

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