Human to Animal

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A young man, obsessed with horror movies, heads into the woods to hunt werewolves. Something jumps out of the bushes and bites him on the leg. The young man is disappointed to discover that he is now a werepoodle.

A bankrupt businessman decides to take his own life, jumping from the top of a skyscraper. On the way down, he changes his mind and prays for salvation. The next day, his wife notices a pigeon that seems to be following her...

A geeky college student falls in love with a cheerleader. Desperate to get close to her, he convinces his pre-med student friends to switch his brain with that of the cheerleader's dog.

A small child runs away from home and heads for his favorite place: the local zoo. A mad scientist zookeeper offers to let the child stay at the zoo forever.

A forest ranger discovers a feral child who was raised by wolves and takes him to an orphanage. Ten years later, the feral boy returns to the woods where his wolf "parents" offer to make him truly a part of their family.

A man with the ability to change into animals loses his job. Unable to find new employment, his landlord evicts him. Desperate, he turns to the only place where he knows he can stay for free: the city zoo.

A young woman, spying on her boyfriend, sees him change into a wolf. Horrified, she decides that the future of their relationship depends upon one thing: which was he originally? Man or animal?

An archeologist who accidentally swallows a fossil gains the ability to change into any dinosaur he likes.

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