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A shrink ray is used on humans as part of the new extreme sport: spider wrestling.

The children at an elementary school discover a shrink ray and use it to take over the town.

Variation - The wife of an inventor runs a daycare from her home. When the children discover her husband's shrink ray, they decide that naptime is over.

A hospital maternity ward uses a shrink ray on fetuses to make childbirth completely painless. Unfortunately, one out of every hundred kids can't be re-enlarged

The world's most dangerous industrial spy is also the world's smallest man. The thief shrinks himself to the size of a mouse and steals prototype microchips from research companies.

A Senator proposes an unusual solution to America's overcrowded prisons: shrinking the prisoners to the size of ants.

The government's secret weapon is an assassin who is only three inches tall. Too small to handle a gun, he has to secretly drop poison pills into his target's drink.

After hearing scratching in the walls, an elderly couple calls an exterminator. The exterminator discovers that the noises are not caused by mice or insects, but by tiny people. There is an entire city behind the drywall.

An elderly inventor gives his granddaughter a beautiful dollhouse. When she complains that there are no dolls inside, he shows her how to make some... by shrinking her parents.

Variation - When his son and daughter-in-law decide to get divorced, an elderly inventor decides to force them to live together until they work out their differences. He shrinks them down and locks them inside his granddaughter's dollhouse.

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