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Katrina downs the shot in point two seconds with a groan from the cool liquid leaving a burning sensation all down her throat and deep into her stomach. Dustin comes back to the bar to stand in front of her again, "So, your boy called. He wanted to know if you were here. Again."

"Aaannnddd you told him that I'm not, right?"

"Uh... Not exactly..." He answers, "Look, I know that you ended what we had and I get that... but can't I just take you home tonight? Keep you away from that jerk?"

"No, Dustin, I'm sorry. You're not getting a piece of this ass tonight... or ever again. I don't want to go home with you anymore... After last night..." She looks away from him and sends her shot glass back to him so he can refill it with another shot for her.

"Let me guess..." Dustin sighs when she does as he pours more vodka into the small glass.

"Shoot. Can't hurt anything."

"You want him back now, don't you?" He asks.


"Kat?" A voice comes from behind her and Dustin looks up from her eyes.

"Dustin... He's... Here isn't he?" Katrina doesn't have to turn around to know who it is that stands behind her. To know the feeling that she always gets whenever he's around her. She gets all tingly inside and her hands always go to her hair to push it to the side that he always like it on whenever he allowed her to have it down. He wasn't controlling but she liked to let him decide how he wanted her hair and that was it for the control he had over her. Dustin nods and opens his mouth to say something but Katrina stops him before he can try to run Steve off. "D, just go. Okay? I'll pick up the tab tomorrow, alright?"

"Alright... But if you need anything... then you just call me okay?"

"Got it." She answers and shoos him away with a wave of her hand and he goes off to pour another glass of whiskey for the customer that's on the other end of the bar. She doesn't turn around to look at Steve, "So."

"So..." He whispers and steps closer to her deciding it would be best to sit down because this might take a while.



Both Katrina and Steve say at the same time and scare each other into looking into the other's eyes. They look away in the opposite direction with a sigh. Steve takes a deep breath as Katrina lets hers out.

"Steven, why did you call? Why did you come here?" Her heart is pounding, she brings the shot glass to her lips and downs the vodka again.

"I... uh... I missed you..." He whispers, "A- about last night... That's uh... That's really what I came here for. I called to see if you were here... to make sure that I could talk to you."

"How'd you get here so fast?" She giggles lightly and turns on her stool, her knee brushing his while her hand still holds the glass on the counter as if it's the only thing grounding her. Keeping her from falling apart, keeping her from breaking down and falling again.

"I uh... heh... I was already on my way here. Either way, I was gonna go home with something, either you or a buzz." He smiles slightly and then looks away again, turning red when she doesn't answer at first.

"You wanted to go home with me..." She repeats his sentence in her head over and over again. "Look, Steven, I know what I said last night but... I didn't think that you would want to come home with me. I mean, look at you. You have a wife. A beautiful wife and she's pregnant. She's gonna give you what I couldn't."

"She's... I know she's pregnant... but Kat, I need you. I don't... I don't know what I was thinking when I married her. When I left you. When I... I should have stayed with you."

"But that's not my point!" She shouts at him and stands up from her stool. "Steven! Do you not see what I see? I see a perfect woman, a perfect husband for her, a perfect family in the making and... and that's something that I couldn't give you baby. I know... It was my fault that our baby girl died but... I thought that if I filled my life with someone else..."

"Filled yourself with Dustin..." Steve chuckles but sees her narrow her eyes and can just feel her seething beside him.

"I get it. You don't fucking care anymore." Katrina steps away from her stool and feels a hand wrap around her wrist until she yanks it away from him and walks to the door. She stops just before she makes it to the door, "I just wanted you to go home with me... One more night was all I needed... One more night was all it would have taken and I would leave you alone. Leave you to be with your wife and daughter."

"Kat!" He follows after her but he doesn't catch her before she gets into her car, "Kat... I do... I want to go home with you."

"I..." She stops herself when he catches the door before she can close it. "Steven, let me go home."

"Not after you've been drinking." He tells her and takes her hand in his as he kneels down beside her car. "One more night, Kat. One. More. One last time and we'll stay out of each other's hair. I just... Will you be there for me? For my daughter? Son? Child? Whatever we're having?"

"I... We'll see..." Katrina turns to face him and wraps her arms around his neck, her lips turning up into a smile. He chuckles at that and pulls away just enough that he can press a kiss to her smile, the smile that he's always loved. The smile that he'd missed for so long.

"I love you." She whispers against his lips, not breaking the kiss even as she speaks to him.

"I love you more..." He breathes and pulls her to him, her legs wrapping around his waist as he stands which picks her up with him. He walks them to his car when she lays her head on his shoulder and buries her face in his neck- nuzzling him. "We're going home..."

"My house?"

"Yeah..." He kisses her again as he sets her in the passenger seat, finding it hard to pull away from her lips, from her arms around him.

"Baby..." She sighs when he leaves a trail of kisses across her jaw and bringing the seat belt across her chest and buckling her in. Steve smirks when she does that and tilts her head for him.

"So needy," he teases her and kisses her neck, grazing his teeth across her sweet spot and pulling away to close the door and run around to the driver seat. He buckles up and turns the ignition, shifts the gears and speeds off down the street to Katrina's apartment with her hand in his as he presses her knuckles against his lips and holds them there. 

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