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Katrina's getting excited while she and Emma and Grant wait by the door just about to jump at the man when he knocks. They'd waited for an hour but she knows that Sharon was probably wanting him to eat breakfast before he left for whatever his lie is. Katrina doesn't care at this point, at least he's coming to see her and he's going to meet his children. He knocks again and the kids go to the door jumping and squealing, "DADDY!"

She opens the door for Steve and they pounce on him like two little puppies meeting their forever family. "Hey, kiddos!"

Steve's never met these two but they act like they've seen him every day since they were born. He smiles as he holds them close to his chest as long as they- or Katrina- will allow them. When they finally let go of him he looks up at Katrina and chuckles. She picks Grant up in her arms and keeps him eye level with Steve and his twin sister as their father picks her up.

"So, Kat... These... These little monsters are mine, right?" He asks teasingly so that the kids giggle and share a small fake growl. Steve pretends to be scared of them and when Katrina nods a yes to his question he kisses Emma's little cheek and leans over to Grant doing the same thing. "You hear that, you two are my monsters and that must make me..."

"Our MONSTER DADDY!" They squeal in unison and they look at each other but wriggle out of his and Katrina's arms.

Steve kneels down, "How about you two go find us something to play with? I'm gonna stay for a little while if that's alright with your mom..."

"MOMMY LET HIM STAY!" Emma shouts up at her mother before she takes off without Grant or waiting for an answer.

"Can he stay, mommy? Pwease?" Grant asks calmly, he's getting tired already but he wants to be awake and play with his dad.

"You look like you're getting tired, baby." Katrina kneels down and rubs her hand through the small boys hair. "Go take a short cat nap, see if you're up to playing with him later, okay?"

"Is that a yes then?" Steve asks, standing and raising an eyebrow.

"It's a yes. He can stay, you can stay." She looks back down to Grant. "Go on sweetie. Take a nap. He'll be here when you wake up."

"Yeah, buddy. I promise."

Grant grins and goes to his dad and hugs him tight. "I wuv you, daddy."

Steve's eyes widen as the child hugging his legs tells him he loves him. "I love you too..."

When the children are gone inside their rooms, he shakes his head. Katrina pulls him into her arms, "What are you thinking?"

"I'm just... thinking about... How does... How can such a small mind- a small heart- love me. Me, Kat. I'm the deadbeat dad that left before he was even born..." He has a tear in his eye as he sighs. "Kat, how?"

"Because he only knows the good in you, Steven. You're nothing less than a wonderful, brave, strong, righteous man that he knows only to love. I haven't told him that you left before he was even born. He doesn't know." She explains and pulls back from his neck and looks him in the eyes, reaching up to wipe the tear from his cheek.

"But he can't... Kat... I love them. I love them both. I can't believe they're my kids, my babies." He smiles and brings her back into him. "How old are they...?"

"They're turning eight in a few months, so they're six and a half." Her face gets serious when he raises an eyebrow, "Don't ever get that wrong, or they will hold it over your head until they turn seven and a half."

Steve laughs at that. "Sounds like someone I know..."

"Hey!" She hits his chest lightly but giggles with him. "You're not wrong."

"Look, Kat, I uh... I told you I have something to show you..." Steve reaches behind him and hesitates before he takes the folded up piece of paper from his back pocket. "Look at this!"

Katrina opens the paper, it's a packet of signatures that has the heading, Signature of Divorcer and Divorcee. Her hand goes to her mouth as she reads the names on the lines with the x's on them. "Steven..."

He's already on his knee behind the papers and he has the ring opened up in front of her with a smile on his face, though he hesitates before he asks the question. "Katrina, baby, I know that I left you a long time ago... I know that I left and told you that I wouldn't come back, that I wouldn't bother you anymore- but baby I love you. I haven't stopped loving you and there is nothing in this world that I want more than to have you in my life again, forever, and I mean it this time. I shouldn't have filled the hole I had with Sharon after I lost you. After we lost our baby girl, I don't know what was wrong with me... So... Katrina Martins, will you do me the honor of marrying me again?" 

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