3.Masked Fighter

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<Hmm.. I don't know if this story is interesting or not but I just want to share it with you so.. Thank you for reading it. This is a story with simple plot. >
Cindy's POV

"kyaa...." we both screamed not knowing what to do.

"calm down... Calm down.. It's just a dream" we chanted together closing our eyes and then we opened.

"kyaa..." again we both screamed.
Lily started crying.. I'm also scared but mostly puzzled. I tried to calm lily even though I myself am troubled inside.

I don't know.. Maybe because of our screaming.. A few people gathered there... Not normal.. If I remember history correctly, these guys are mostly palace guards. The 2 guys on front looks like they are.. 🤔Princes ?

Wait! .. Now it all made sense.. We are in a book.. 'Cinderilla story'. That's what mom meant by write a story.. She knew if I opened that book I will end up here.. That means I can go back but when? As I was drowned in my thoughts.. One of the Prince came before me..' Oh! No! No!.... This is where Prince is supposed to meet cinderilla. Damn.. I don't wanna be a freaking cinderilla.' Sigh..

Suddenly I got an idea.. What if lily becomes cinderilla.. I suddenly turn towards her hoping my idea will work but well.. Look there she goes again flirting with a guard beside the other Prince... looks like they hit it off . But what am I gonna do..

"lily.." I called her.

She came to me as soon as I called her.. Thank god! This girl.. She doesn't even care where she is..

"Hey! Do you wanna be a cinderilla in this story? You can marry this Prince charming" .. I told her indicating towards that Prince standing before me but she said "I'm tired of hot shots.. I'm gonna stick with this cute guard. And again.. This is your story to finish.. So don't drag me in this".

(as soon as she understand what's going on.. Lily is determined to make Cindy cinderilla and she swore that she would do anything to make her kiss this Prince)
Lily's thoughts.
'in real world I couldn't do anything but here no one can save you from falling in love.. Cindy's mama.. I'm with you. I will here by swore that I will become a cupid that shoots arrow without missing a shot. Then again you are a genius.. Where did you find such a book. I can find love even without this but your daughter is too stupid when it comes to love so.. I will take this chance to remind her that she is a girl.. Hehe.. "

(hey.. I know we are just 16 but can you believe it! she doesn't even have a crush on anyone.. That's why I'm starting to worry about her future so.. I don't mind you looking at me like witch hmf..)

She gives Cindy a evil grin without her noticing.

Cindy's thoughts
I can't turn back now.. I have to continue this story till it reaches its end but I have to make sure this Prince doesn't fall in love with me.. Hehe.. I don't have to try much... I just need to be myself and he will run away. This Prince need a damsel in distress not me.

I didn't realise I was smiling to myself.. Just then out of nowhere some thieves ? Assassins? Whatever.. We got surrounded by them.
I was looking for lily but looks like she found her match.. That guard guy made her to go behind him.

The Prince before me tried to make me hide behind him.. Like hell I will.. Just like he did to me.. I tried to hide him behind me. I thought ' what a Prince like he can do'.
The Prince looked at me like I lost my mind... I just gave him a sly smile.

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