"I Want My 'Life❤️' Back "

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<hey guys... I'm thinking about completing this story without any further delay so I will try my best to write whenever I can. >

Cindy's POV
No... It can't be. I had a week to decide what to say when I saw him. Lily made a big speech for me but when we reached there he was already waiting with Albert.

I love him... I love everything about him. I love his hair.. His voice.. That's it! I don't know how he looks but I don't care.. Even if I have to live with his masked face .. I'm ready.

I thought so much about whether to tell him or not.. because I don't know how many days I will be here or maybe hours. Its not in my hands but right now I want to be with him. I don't know if he loves me for sure but I can tell he feels something towards me after all he looks at me like the same way I do and I sometimes caught him staring at me but didn't say anything except blushing like crazy.

I hoped he would say 'I love you too or I like you or at least thank you for liking me' but he said 'sorry'. A Freaking sorry.

I stared at him wide eyed.. I don't know what to say.. I didn't expect this.. Ever.

Lily is also staring at him and she starts to walk towards us but Albert took her away from us... For that I'm glad. I need to sort this out myself.. I'm not weak.. I was never weak and this 'Love' can't make me weak. This is why I don't want to love... I hated and ignored boys. The boys in my school are better than him because atleast I can give them a piece of mind but him I can't even get him out of my head.

"what do you mean.. Sorry? Don't you like me?" I asked looking straight into his eyes.

"no... I like you.. I do like you but as a friend. Sorry" he said avoiding my eyes... He is feeling uneasy. Great.. that's what I want... I know he is hiding something otherwise he won't hesitate to reject me directly. I know his personality.

"OK.. So you like me as a friend?" I asked still looking into his eyes and moving a little close to him but he keep on avoiding my gaze

He nodded "y-yes".

"then why are you stuttering?" I asked calmly.

Finally he looked at me wide eyed and sighs "no I'm not -"

I cut him off.. "don't lie to me.. I may not have known you my whole life but in this few months you have become everything to me and I know.. When you are feeling uneasy or when you trying to lie".

"no.. You don't know me. You don't.." he said mostly to himself.. I don't understand.. He had a painful expression which suddenly turned into hard... Then his cold eyes stared at me.

green.. His eyes are green. This is the first time we are this close and the first time I dared to look into his eyes. They are beautiful yet held no emotion. They feel empty.

I'm angry.. Frustrated then I started yelling "then look into my eyes and tell me.. Tell me that you don't love me.. Tell me you don't care about me.. Tell me you never thought of me more than just a friend and tell me..... why can't you love me?" I felt my self breaking from inside as I was saying those words.. When the last word left my mouth it was merely a whisper.

His eyes showed painful expressions once again before masking it with emptiness. He looked straight into me and I know he is gonna lie to me.

"I don't love you" he said without any emotion in those empty eyes.
'Lier' I thought and said it loud.

"lier" I whispered not breaking eye contact but he continues not caring about anything.

"I don't care about you" no emotion

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