6. Date With Mr. Mask

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<hey guys... Sorry for taking so long to update the new chapter>

I woke up early today cause my sleep got occupied by silly dreams. Lily was sleeping beside me. I yawned, stretched and went outside towards garden. It's been a week since we got here and today Is the day Harry and me decided to meet. (Harry : prince's fake name while he wears mask.. Remember?)

Lily came and sat beside. "what are you thinking about?" she asked.. Still looking sleepy.

"just this and that... And hey! Today I have to meet Harry. He promised me that he will teach me sword fighting. Hope he didn't forgot." I said

Lily looked at me smirking "don't worry... There is no way in hell that he will forget about your appointment".

I just gave her a look and ignored that comment.

"let's go, we need to clean our room and get ready. let's leave after breakfast and it would be good if we could pack lunch. I'm getting bored staying indoors all day, let's make it picnic ". I said and lily just shrugged.

We went inside and got ready though I hate these long gowns I had to wear it because of my current situation I have to blend in.. With a huff I tied my hair up in a pony and with that we went down towards kitchen.

Lily got used to this kitchen within a week.. I'm impressed. She made pizza and pancakes.. They tasted a bit different but yummy. We ate some and packed some.. We decided to stay out today from these witches.

Really.. Even though I warned them they didn't change. Even though they don't try to command me like before.. They still try to make me do their work that's why I started to ignore them .... literally.

As we were leaving my step mom and step sisters came down...

"where are you going? You don't even have work today.. " she asked.

Ah I forgot to mention.. The other day when I snapped at them I decided to do a job... I don't want to ask her for money and I sure don't want to eat for free and I'm paying her half of my salary. Neighbours are too good to me here... And I started working in a store since I'm good with calculations it's pretty easy to get.

"me and lily decided to go outside to chill.. Like picnic. We will be back by evening" with that we left while that trio started shooting daggers with their eyes.

"I still don't understand what's going on... Or what's going to happen.. Or when are we going to leave this book-" before she continues I cut her off.

"whoa! Whoa! Calm down... Your head can't take much of thinking. And I understand your worries but we don't have any other option. Let's just think of this as an adventure." I said calmly as we were passing a few neighbours.

When we reached the place I started to remember how we got here and how we met him.. Mr mask. I can't really put my finger on it.. But Mr. Mask is kind of different from the guys I met. He is... Well..... Charming, with his brown hair.. Hight and fit body too bad I don't know how he looks but I'm sure he is special... I guess . I have nothing to do here so all I thought this week was about my date with Mr mask. I mean he told me that he would teach me sword fighting but I don't know exactly what but I'm looking forward to meet him again. As I was thinking all this I didn't realise I was smiling.

"someone's daydreaming here.." lily

"no.. I'm not." I snapped at her though she didn't believe me.

We sat under the same tree we arrived.. We started talking this and that. Suddenly we heard some sound and we knew who that is.

"hey! Mr. Mask" lily chirped. I glared at her for using our nick name for him.

He laughed "Hello! Lovely ladies and thank you for the wonderful name".

"oh! Sorry... Nevermind her. So.. How are you Mr Harry?" I asked

"no need for formalities miss.. You can call me Harry or Mr mask."he said smirking.

" so... Mr Harry .. If you want us to call you Mr mask then you should also drop formalities. call me Cindy and that nut head lily "I said.

" hey... "lily tried to sound affended and failed miserably.

" So... Shall we start? " he asked motioning towards the swords he bought. I nodded.

We started fighting... First he taught me how to held and control my sword. Well... I'm not someone who get distracted by anything... I mean anything when I'm in middle of learning something. But today.. I can't help but to feel distracted... He is very careful not to touch me but it didn't work.. Soon I realised what I'm doing. I can't possibly feel attracted to him... I mean we just met once a few days ago and yeah.. I have been thinking about him but I'm not sure when I started liking him.

'did I just said... Like?' oops I said it out loud.

"are you OK Cindy?" Mr mask suddenly stopped.. And that's when I realised i'm not fully concentrating.

I nodded "yeah I'm OK... Just a bit tired I guess" . I turned around to look for lily and there she is with a knowing smirk.

Honestly I think something is wrong with that girl or maybe me... I mean I'm the one feeling unnecessary feelings. Maybe I should talk to lily......."hey lily" As I went to sit beside her she looked behind me and smirked at Harry and gave me a wink>... On second thought nevermind .

We sat down and me, lily and Mr mask talked a bit and ate the food we bought. I didn't realised I was stealing glances at him till our eyes met. I blushed slightly hope.. It's not visible.

Mr. Mask or Prince Henry or Harry's POV

I had to sneak out of Palace to meet her.. Cindy. That mischievous name was enough to make me smile. All this week I have been thinking about her... She is something.

We met and talked a bit before I started teaching her sword fighting.. I personally told the workers inside place the details and especially make them made this sword for her... It fits perfectly with her personality and hands... She is good at fighting so... She learned quite quickly... Her dodging skills are more than perfect.

I tried very hard not to touch her... Of course she is a women and she is not mine... Yet. So.. I had to make sure she isn't uncomfortable.

After a few minutes she said she is tired and we sat down eating the things they bought. Honestly... They are just soo tasty.. I complimented that blond girl lily.

I was looking at her and don't know how.. Or maybe she was also looking at me..maybe? . Anyways.. Our eyes met and I think I saw her blush a little. Hope its not my eyes and fantasies playing tricks on me.

Lily's POV

In this whole week Cindy talked about Mr mask a few times. She isn't the girl who talks about guys... I mean something good. But she was praising his sword skills and his bravery and god knows what... Don't look me! us mortals (you mean morons) can't understand their charming personalities.

I tried my best to boost him and whenever I get chance I talked about him...maybe.. Just maybe she likes him. He definitely made a good impression on their first meeting.

I saw their eyes meeting.... Cindy blushed and Mr mask looked away. Means things are progressing well.

(ME :well Cindy... You said 'hope.. My blush isn't visible ' but here we are .. I mentioned your blushing 3 times from 3 P. O. V😏.
ME: whoa....)

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