7. So.. I Just Don't 'Like' Him But Love Him😳?

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Cindy's POV
After our date with Mr mask me and lily went back home. Well... Somehow I seem to started liking here but I can't, I have to get back to my life and I can't even imagine how much worried my dad might be.

Just like this time... We started to meet Mr mask once a week. Its been 3 months and I realised my feelings towards him are growing.

Albert.. The place guard came with Mr mask a couple of times and well.. Lily had great time with him. I think if we weren't struck here.. Lily and Albert would have started dating.

Mr mask said I was progressing very well with sword fighting. I taught him some moves of karate.. But their fighting style is very impressive.

Today is the day of the week.. Me and lily waiting for Mr mask to show up. Its already afternoon and still no sign of Mr mask.

I hate to admit but I miss him... I get to see him once a week and here he is... Not even bothered to show up on right time.

"where is he? Usually he will meet us in the morning but its already afternoon and in a couple of hours the sun will set." lily said

"I know... but why are you asking me that? Its not like I'm living with him" I sighed "I'm also waiting for him.. Hope everything is OK." I said

"hmm.. Point taken" lily

I started thinking about him... I just can't stop thinking about it. First I tried but failed and ended up screaming. Lily freaked out the day when I suddenly woke up giggling... Seriously I just had a dream of him holding my hand that's it and that's all that took me to giggle and on top of that lily saw that. I was beyond embarrassed.

'is he handsome? ' I heard a faint voice.

"yeah" I answered not even bothering who asked that.

'do you like him?' again that voice.

"yes... Wait what!?" I turned around to see lily laughing her ass off.

"what the hell!" I shouted.

"you.... Haha... You are... Idiot.. Haha... I can't believe you fell for that.. Haha.." lily started saying while laughing.

"shut up! The hell are you doing lily? Swear to god.. I'm gonna cut you and dump you inside a freezer" I said angrily but the blush on my face didn't help much.

"aww.. Too bad... They don't have refrigerator here and even if you want to buy ice here.. Its not winter so...they are costly and we are off the topic. So.. Tell me.. You are tho about Mr mask right?" lily asked raising an eyebrow.

"no use of hiding any longer and you are the only person I can share anything anyway so.. Yes." I said looking down

"so... Care to explain everything? Just a few minutes ago you said he is handsome-" lily was saying but I cut her there

"yes.. He is handsome.. He is a good person... By the way he behaves with me I can see he respects women and I think I might like him." I said still not looking up.

"oh. My. God.... Finally. I was starting to think that you are into girls" lily said looking at me wide eyed

I smacked her on head "stop spouting nonsense and tell me what to do.. I don't understand.. I never felt this way before." I said looking at her.

"I know that you never felt this but trust me.. I think you should give this feeling a chance" lily said sitting beside me.

"but... I can't. You also know that we don't belong here right. Today or tomorrow we have to leave and I can't let this feelings make things worse that they are now" I said

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