Waking Up

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Cindy's POV

Right now I'm standing beside Henry.. In wedding gown. Yes.. Today its our wedding day. Lily was standing a few foot away from me to my left.. Wearing pink. I don't know..
Some old guy came and placed the crown on my head and then Henry.

People started clapping and cheering..then Henry took my both hands and started his vows "I Henry, take you, Cindy, to be my wife, to have and hold you from this day forward : for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us apart ;according to God's holy law. In the presence of God I make this vow. "

I smiled at him and said my vows.. We exchanged rings, we were about to kiss and seal our wedding.. My eyes got blur and I saw the worried look on Henry's face. I turned to see lily walking towards me.

Everything around me seems blur except lily.
" why is everything blur except you?" she asked. I looked at her and that time we knew what's going on.

"I think it's time" I said. Lily nodded understanding the situation.

Everyone around me looking as puzzled as Henry.

"I love you so much Henry.. You know that right" I said cupping his face.

"I know.. I know.. But what's happening.. Why can't I see you clearly?" he said looking worried.. Maybe this is the start... Our worlds are getting separated but why now.. You got me here without my permission and you are taking me away without my permission.. Why?!? I don't want to leave him yet.. I know that I had to leave but never thought it would be this early.

"Henry... I don't belong here. Sorry I didn't tell you but somehow me and lily ended up in this book where we met you. I don't know what's real or dream anymore but what I truly know is that I love you" I said.

He chuckled dryly "I know this is too good to be true... I don't care if its real or dream.. I will find you no matter where you are... In dreams or even in hell. I will get to you.."

"I know.... I know.. I will wait for you" I know this maybe the last time we meet but he is the only one for me.. I will wait for him no matter how much time it may take.

"sing a song Cindy" he said hugging me.

By Dove Cameron :

A million thoughts in my head..

Should I let my heart keep listening..

I know.. It's time..
To say.. Good bye..

So hard to let go.....

I was crying in the end and looked up to see my husband crying.. Yes husband.. He is and will forever be my one and only lover, my husband.

I leaned into kiss him one last time... I kissed him.. It was a kiss with love and separation both happy and sad .

Just then I closed my eyes and when I opened them again I can feel my bed under me. I didn't even got up... I cried... I cried very hard... I don't know if its dream.. I don't care. All I care about is I miss him.. I don't want to leave him.. I want him.

I felt a hand on my shoulder I look up to see lily... She is also crying.

I got up and hugged her. I know.. It's not just a dream... We both were inside it and what we both felt is real. I'm glad she was with me whole time.

After who knows how long I stopped crying and lily gave me some water.

"so... It's not a dream huh?" she said.

I laughed dryly "guess so.."

I turned around to see my book laying on the bed... I opened it hoping to get there again. But what I saw was my story... I didn't write it if course I was literally in it but all the pages were filled.. With pics and words we said. Lily peeked from behind.

"damn!! This is true... We were inside a book... Turn the last page." she said.

I turned it to the last page just to see 'continuation' word forming.

Both lily and me looked at it then each other.

"it's not the end yet... Means..maybe we can find him" lily said.

"maybe.." I was happy... Even if its just a hint... I was happy to think that maybe I can meet him again but what he don't know me. Oops I said it out loud.

She sighed "I will kick his ass if he don't recognise you.. I mean I tried very hard to get you two together. I want a happy ending. Let's think positively" she said.

"you are right.. Let's think positively."

Me and lily decided to publish this story hoping he would read it and maybe we could find him.

In no time the story became popular and its been one year since the dream, and I completed my senior high.. now I'm 17 years old..

Today its my first day on campus .. Me and lily joined the same college.

"it's already been a year... I dated half of boys in our class but you... You still stick with daydreaming about Henry." lily said as we made our way inside the campus.

"what's wrong with daydreaming about my boyfriend!?" I said making her rolling eyes.

She was just about to say something a bike crossed us with full speed.. I was like jerk.. "jerk" lily mouthed it out.. I laughed nodding my head.

"it's been a year Cindy... What if he has a girlfriend?" lily said.

"if he has a girlfriend and he loves her then I will gladly leave him. I will wait for him.. I don't mind getting rejected long as I can see him again" I said.

"you are right... Wait for him but even if you don't mind.. I do! I have been through hell to help him. If he choose some witch over you... Imma make her bald." she said.

I laughed at her childishness. Suddenly I heard a song... Not any song.. But the song I sung for Henry.. In ball.

I looked at lily... Just to see her eyes wide..." do you hear that? " she asked and I know.. It's not my imagination. I ran towards where the song was coming.

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