Truth And Shocking Proposal

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Lily's POV
She slapped him!!?
Of course it wasn't a surprise. After all he kissed her, that was her first kiss. I guess she wanted it with the love of her life but sadly she didn't know... She got kissed by her love.

And the hell!! How can he kiss her out of the blue.. He deserves that slap.

Everything went silent and everyone looked shocked.. Of course.. Just now their Prince got slapped.
Suddenly every guard in the Palace started to move.. Everyone surrounded Cindy and stand securely by Prince and the King.

I Didn't know what to do... But I sure as hell know that King doesn't look a bit least happy about it so I did the one thing that came to my mind.

"Cindy... Run" I said.

Every guard turned towards me and let their guard down.. Cindy took that chance and with a few kicks she escaped from the circle and ran towards me.. Before I can say anything.. She clasped my hand and we both started running.

"what the hell!! I told you to run not to take me with you" I shouted while running.. Turning around I saw a bunch of guards following us.

"I would have done that! But why do you have to shout and get the attention.. If not for me then they would have roasted you alive. And what's wrong with that damn Prince?" she shouted running.. panting...

"I don't know... Maybe he likes you. But hey... Isn't this the part where Prince supposed to follow cinderella? That was supposed to be heart touching but no.... You have mess everything.. Now run like a thief escaping prison with stinky guards behind you. " I shouted... Ugh... Damn!!

" hold your horses!!! It's not my fault... That Prince kissed me for god sake.. How do you think I should react and what if Mr mask was there.. Huh!? "

That's when I decided to tell her the truth but no... These guys have to ruin everything... I saw Albert at left and Prince at right.. Suddenly each grabbed me and Cindy from both sides and started running.

We both pairs started to run opposite sides and soon we lost them.. Suddenly Albert stopped.. I was a panting mess... Damn!! This is what they call.. Run for the lifes.

"let's go" Albert started to run again..

I took my hand out of his grasp and asked "w-where.."

"Outside the castle... Prince Henry told me to get you out of here and he will get Cindy outside without anyone noticing.. We should wait at your carriage. And yeah... He also told you to meet together with Cindy at our usual meeting point "

"OK" I nodded and we started running.

Cindy's POV
Prince... Again!! why is he helping me. Is he kidnapping me?!?!
I looked at him.. He just smiled, I have to agree I like it that he is holding my hand but of course I would mind. I can't easily shift from Mr mask to Prince. I loved him and can't feel attracted to someone else.. It's wrong!!!

"what are you smiling about it's your fault I'm in this mess" I said.. We are still running.. We lost guards somehow but we have to stay alert until we get out.

"uh.. About that. Sorry! I didn't mean to do that.. I just... I couldn't see you sad like that any more.. It's my fault not to tell you everything from the beginning. I.." he started to say something but cut of by noises before us..

I felt like he was going to say something important but what could be that important.. We just met like a 2 hours ago for god sake.

then again I thought he was helping me but he got me just where he wants.. I was once again surrounded by guards and I glared at him.

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