Are you happy now that you're gone?
I hope you don't miss my touch as much as I miss yours.Because I can't let you back in.
I keep having this dream where you come back and tell me leaving me was the worst thing you ever did.
I melt into your hands and you spill me all over the place like I knew you would.
Instead of drinking me and savoring me you just let me down,
I have been trying all the rituals on the internet to get rid of this dream.I want you to leave my mind.
I want you to not want me.
You already don't.
But I want you to not want me even more.
So that my mind finally understands that you don't miss my touch,
You don't miss the way I used to let you lay your head on my back,
The way I kissed you so gently yet so harshly,
The way I loved you with my entire being.You will never miss me.
So I just answered my own question,
You don't miss my touch as much as I miss yours,
In fact, you don't miss mine at all.