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My big sister Sarah and her best friend had gone somewhere. I didn't know where and I was home alone. Erica doesn't have any problems because she's sweet and good. Sarah's got a bit of an attitude. Yesterday at school she met three guys, Rory, Benny, and Ethan. They were geeks and after she told me about them, the next day at school I saw them. They tried to talk to me, but I was a grade below them, and everyone thought it was weird. But apparently not them. I liked Benny, he was cute.

My name is Meghan. Sarah babysits Ethan because his parents think that he isn't mature enough to babysit his little sister, Jane. I get excited when I come with Sarah because Benny is always there. He doesn't know that I like him...yet.

When we went over there today, Sarah was kind of in a rush to get there for some reason, I didn't know what it was. A few boys stopped us, one of them being Sarah's boyfriend, another holding Erica.

"Erica!" I cried out.

"Jesse! Let her go!" Sarah said angrily, walking to Jesse.

Jesse laughed evily. He was weird. "And why should I do that, Sarah?"

"Because she's my best friend and I don't trust you!" Sarah was getting angrier.

"Sarah! He's cute! They're offering to bring me to a party!" Erica said, referring to the guy who was holding her arm.

"That's right, Sarah. Come to the party with us. Your little brat can come, too. She'll make a lovely snack." another guy said, standing next to Jesse.

"Hey! This is my little sister. She is not a brat!" Sarah said.

"That's right, stupids!" I stuck my tongue out at Jesse and he growled.

"Meghan..." Sarah warned.

I shrugged it off, not knowing what would come next. The boys took us to their mansion where a bunch of other kids were, including Benny, Rory, and Ethan. I got nervous and hid behind Sarah when she went up to them.

"Hey...Sarah! Glad you could join us. I didn't know you had four legs." Rory joked.

Sarah smiled. "It's just my sister. We got caught by Jesse and his stupid friends."

I came out of hiding slowly, excited to see Benny. " guys..."

"Hey, Meghan! Want some punch?" Benny asked. Oh my God...what am I gonna do? A hot guy is handing me a glass of punch, my only reaction...fainting. Of course.

When I woke up, we were surrounded by the kids. Sarah stood in front of the geeks, protecting them. Erica was on the floor and she had a bite mark on her neck. She suddenly turned very pale and her eyes turned yellow every time she let her fangs out.

"Erica! Erica! Wake up!" I whispered, shaking her shoulder. She sat up, not knowing what was going on.

Sarah was holding an arm off of a wooden chair when I looked up. When I tugged at Benny's pant leg, he sat down beside be, holding me.

"What's going on?" I whispered. Benny looked from Jesse to me.

"Jesse and all the kids here are vampires! Sarah's trying to hold them off while we think of a plan, but we can't come up with anything. When you passed out, we went upstairs to eavesdrop of them. They're planning to capture all of the souls at the Dusk premiere!" Benny explained. I nodded, understanding him.

"Benny...I'm scared." I told him. "What if they kill us?" I started to tear up.

"Oh, don't cry, Meghan. It's okay." He gave me a big hug and then stood up.

"Run!" Ethan exclaimed. We all ran for the front door, finding it locked.

"We're screwed." Rory said. Jesse suddenly came up to him and bit his neck, sending him to the floor. Erica and Rory looked at each other with satisfaction.

"Not!" Sarah shouted, kicking the door open. We ran outside and headed for Benny's grandma's car. It was a van. We hopped it and sped away, heading to Ethan's house.

"What is it that you're not telling us?" Ethan asked Sarah. He was next to her in the front. Benny and I sat in the middle, holding hands.

Sarah sighed. "When Meghan passed out because she was nervous to talk to Benny, I followed Jesse upstairs and he bit me. I'm a fledgling vampire." she explained.

Ethan looked at her in shock, even though he knew Jesse was a vampire.

Benny looked at me when Sarah said "nervous to talk to Benny" and smiled. I smiled back and squeezed his hand, making sure he knew I loved him. He squeezed it back and I smiled bigger.

"Now is not the time to be flirting! We have to get you home! And Meghan, don't forget your homework. Mom and Dad will not be there to help you." Sarah said. Our parents died when I was three. Sarah was six.

Sarah is in 10th grade and Ethan and Benny are in 9th. I'm in 8th. Just thought I'd get that by before we go into action.

When we got to Ethan's house, Benny's grandma was there. She gave Benny a book of spells and explained to us that she was an Earth Preistess. Ethan and Benny went to Ethan's room and they packed Nerf guns with sharpened pencils. We went to the premire of Dusk and beat some vmapire butt before we went to see the movie.

Popcorn was everywhere. Vampires blew to dust when we shot them with Nerf guns.

"Whoo! Die, vampires! Die!" Benny exclaimed, blowing a few vampires to dust.

We looked at each other and kissed hard. I put my hands on his cheeks and he put his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him. Still kissing, I shot a vampire who was walking behind Benny, trying to sneak-attack him. Benny chuckled and we went back to sucking each other's faces.

"Meghan! Benny!" someone shouted next to us.

I released my face from Benny's and looked at the person who said our names.

"We killed all of them! Let's go!" Ethan said. we followed him to the car where Sarah was.

"How did feel to suck the saliva out of Benny?" Sarah smiled.

"How'd you find out?" I got nervous, even though we didn't have a dad or mom to punish me.

"I know Ethan's looks." she turned back to the wheel and we left.

A couple minutes later I was sitting on my new boyfriend, Benny's lap, facing him, and making out. It felt so good to finally date him I've waited forever to be in this moment!

Sister of a Vampire (My Babysitter's A Vampire Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now