Blood Drive

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Blood Drive

I dread this day so much. Even though you don't have to do it, I still faint at the sight of blood. Even if it's my own. 

Benny, Ethan, and I stood in the doorway of where to blood drive was taking place. Benny was holding me up so I wouldn't fall on my face, I would faint but still be in his arms. I could tell that Ethan was nervous, but Benny and I weren't. 

"My mom thinks I should donate. She think my blood is 'special.' " Ethan said. 

"Dude, she has to say your blood is special. She's your mom." Benny pointed out. "Now, the reason you don't give blood is because you're too scared of needles." 

"I'm not afraid!" Ethan protested. "I just don't like them."

"Right. The same way you don't like the commerical with the dancing crackers." Benny teased, smiling. "It freaks you out!"

I laughed nervously. I got some crazy looks and then I got out of Benny's grip.

"It does not! I'm just uncomfortable with eating things that dance." Ethan said. "Plus, I don't see you rushing to donate." 

Sarah walked in the room from the other door on the other side of the room eating out of a bag of chips. She looked nervous about something. I went over to talk to her. 

"Hey, sis." I said.

"Hey, Meghan." Sarah said, shoveling chips in her mouth.

"What's with the chips?" 

"I'm fighting the urge to drink the blood." she said, then left. 

I went back to Benny and Ethan. "She said that she was fighting the urge to drink the blood."

They nodded and Benny hugged me. Ethan left to go talk to Sarah. Benny decided to donate some blood. I knew he was afraid of needles, so the nurse let me hold his hand while she took a pint. She stabbed the needle in his arm and he let out a little yelp, which I thought was cute. 

I got Benny a cookie and I locked my arm in his and we went to go find Ethan. Rory was backing up and Ethan was walking towards him. Rory ran into Benny and then ran away. 

"What's up with Count Dorkula?" Benny asked, munching on his cookie. He gave me a few bites and I kissed his nose. 

"Sounds like Erica is pulling strings. Sarah said that she saw her in a lab coat and asked what was up. Erica had told Sarah about the truck full of blood and she wants it." Ethan said. 

"So she's the puppet master!" Benny loudly whispered. I chuckled. 

We spied on Rory and Erica for a bit and Benny put a little GPS thingie in Rory's backpack so we could see where he his at all time from Benny's phone. Ethan went to donate a pint of blood and Benny and I went to our lockers. 

"You think he'll be brave enough?" I asked. 

Benny shook his head. "He probably fainted already." 

We went to Benny's house and I read a book while he played a game. His phone suddenly beeped telling him that Rory was going somewhere. I sat up and walked over to him, massaging his neck. 

He picked it up and said, "What're you doing behind the school, Rory?" He hacked into the school's security cameras to see what Rory was up to. 

The blood truck Ethan was talking about was there. Rory came out of it with something red on his mouth. He was looking for someone. Erica came up to him and started talking to him, but we didn't know what they were saying. 

Benny called Ethan and told him what Erica and Rory were doing. When he hung up, we ran vto the school just as the blood truck was leaving. Ethan and Sarah came out of the school, running to us.

"Ethan! You hung up on me!" Benny said. It was true. 

"Right now we have vampire nurses to deal with so can we not talk about hanging up on people?!" Sarah said.

"Vampire nurses?" Benny's phone buzzed. "Rory's on the move. And fast. He's either flying or-"

"He's on that  truck!" Ethan finished his sentence. "And Erica's probably with him."

"They're in danger. Vampires are super territorial." Sarah said. 

"We gotta grab our gear and go after them. Fast." Ethan said. Benny reached into his backpack and put his phone in there.  We went to Ethan's house and got some Nerf guns while Ethan looked up Red Riders, the name of the nurse's truck. 

We headed to the empty warehouse the nurses were at and waited for the right time to attack. We went in and as Sarah fought, Ethan, Benny, and I went over to the truck. Ethan went back to help Sarah out and Benny and I played with the wires in the front seat of the truck. 

Benny and I came out of the truck and went to the back of it where Sarah, Ethan, and the vampire nurses were. Benny held a remote that was supposed to open the doors, but it didn't work.

"Doorus, openus!" Benny said in a funny tone. I smiled. The nurses sighed and opened the doors, revealing Rory and Erica kissing. 

They got out and Erica was blabbering about Rory being annoying. The nurses left and we were free of fake vampire nurses. 

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