Chapter 4: Save me from myself...

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A few weeks have passed since Danielle's panic attack and, not only have she and Bucky gotten closer, but so have she, Natasha and Tony (after he realised he was just being paranoid). Now there are no awkward conversations where Tony makes comments about her being evil, no analysing glances from Natasha, when back from missions, trying to figure her out, while struggling.

Currently they are watching a movie and watching Dani's (a new nickname developed by Tony) reactions for practically everything as she has never watched a movie before. They were currently watching The Greatest Showman (A/N: Just pretend it was made at this time. I love the movie and am currently listening to 'From now on' while writing this. If you haven't seen it I suggest you watch it cause it's amazing.) and enjoying Danielle's reactions to the songs and dance scenes. She had the biggest smile on her face as she became mesmerised by the strange moving pictures. 

As the movie she got frown on face, Tony being to first to notice thought something was wrong. "What's wrong, Dani?" With that question everyone in the room snapped their heads to face her and noticed that she was no longer frowning but pouting. 

"I wanna watch another moving picture" All the Avengers smiled at how she phrased a movie. " Do you have any more, can we watch it?" She began firing questions, then suddenly flinched back, having been taught that she shouldn't questions. Everyone having noticed that she flinched, but saying nothing not wanting to upset the girl. 

Bruce, after having looked at his watch and realising how late it was, looked up "It's getting pretty late," Dani's head shot to face one half of the 'Science Bro's' a pout on her lips making her look younger than she is. Seeing she's about to argue with him he states, " We can watch another movie tomorrow, okay?" The avengers nodding in agreement.

Knowing she can't put up an argument against them she nods and heads to bed, where her mind suffocates its self with nightmares and is plagued with memories.


They had her chained to the ceiling, feet dangling inches from the ground, wrists red from the chains, sweat and tears soaked her body as her beatings came to an end. Thoughts running fast through her head as though running from her mind it's self.

She deserved this. She failed her mission. She couldn't kill the family, especially after seeing them so happy and a unfamiliar feeling of longing entered her system. So after an internal debate, she headed to the door knocked and when the husband answered, she said three words that changed everything for the family of three: "Run, there here." And she ran, faster for an average human, back to base knowing what was coming to her. 

She just didn't know that outside of her mind, the A.I had alerted everyone of a winged girl trapped in her memories of torture not knowing how to get out.

--------------Real world- Before the dream---------------

Minutes before the screams began the avengers began discussing how to get Danielle's file from an encrypted HYDRA file. They began discussing methods and strategies for getting into HYDRA knowing they have a paper file of every experiment when the shouts f fear and pain began. 

J.A.R.V.I.S (Pretend they fixed cause JARVIS is better than FRIDAY in my opinion.) alerted them, saying Dani's Heart rate began going higher and higher. After a quick glance at each other, they all raced down the halls to the screaming girls bedroom, slamming the door open. After they all filed in they noticed the covers and pillows spread around the floor and bed, they watched for a moment of shock as purple mist surrounded her, sweat covered her body and bed. Tears falling at a rapid pace down the sides of her face, the skin surrounding her eye read from irritation of not having cried many times. 

Steve, the first one to come out of the temporary shock, moved to the side of the bed and pinned her arms down, without too much pressure. "Bucky, help me!" Shouted Steve, effectively knocking everyone out of their trance, as everyone jumped into action. Bruce left to get a sedative (?), everyone else was helping one way or another to try and wake her up, or staying back knowing there was nothing to do.

In the end the sedative didn't work so they got Wanda to see something different ans calm her down, but they didn't expect for her to have seen what Danielle was experiencing when she calmed her down.

A while later everyone was up and doing their best to, not only calm Danielle down but to also try and get answers from her previous life at HYDRA. 

"Danielle, if you want us to trust you then you have to trust us. What happened?" Clint said/asked in a gentle tone while rubbing small circles into her back, knowing it was time for she gave them answers.

And so she did...

Hey guys.

CLIFFHANGER......... Kinda, I guess. 

ANYWAY...from Wednesday to Friday so I don't think I can upload those days as I will be extremely tired. But if I can I doubt they will be the best chapters and definitely not the longest. 

Also...I AM ENGLISH!!! So if I spell something wrong, to you, or say a different word to what your used to then I'm sorry, but I was born this way (anyone else thinking of the song born this way) and I change for no one. 

Next chapter we see more of Dani's memories but I need new characters to add. GOOD AND BAD!!! You can choose face-claim, characteristics and if their evil or good and if they change sides. I need more drama. 

I know this isn't the longest/best chapter updated but I wanted to give you something to read.

Also 60 people have viewed this. For you guys that might not be alot but Having only go to chapter 4 and not being an amazing writer it's great for me. Thanks for support.

When done with characters message me privately so I can have an easier time reading them. Need inspiration and hope you guys can help.



Bruised, Broken and Tortured (Avengers)---UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now