Chapter 9: A day in the life of a parent...

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1:48am. That is when the first cry was heard from the baby was heard by her new mother. Waking up with a small groan, Danielle stood from her bed and headed towards Indigo.  Upon reaching the door to the nursery, Danni pushed open the door and stepped inside.

Inside the nursery, the walls were a light grey with large golden dots across them. A rocking chair in the corner with a white blanket and a pillow, patterned with light and dark grey triangles. The rocking chair itself was made from mahogany wood, the back-rest rounded to create more comfort with small slits between the pieces of wood, whereas the seat was solid, flat and more circular in shape. The crib was white with a candyfloss sheet, cover and pillow. The mobile hanging above it had pastel coloured birds hanging from it. The curtains were also pink but a much lighter one. The carpet was grey with a pink rug in the centre of the room.

She headed to the crib, only to be met with a shrill cry. Picking Indigo up was a little tricky as she wouldn't stop kicking her legs and thrashing her arms about. It took a little while but after getting her back to sleep, she placed her comfortably in her crib. 


3:23am was the next wake up call to greet Danielle. Doing the same routine again she managed to get Indigo to sleep after her being rocked to sleep while Danni's humming was heard in the background as Indigo lulled of to sleep. 


This routine happened several more times until finally at 5:35am Danielle decided to call sleeping quits. She got out of bed, for what felt like the hundredth time, took Indigo and herself to her living room and turned the TV on to keep the small infant some what occupied. 

When her alarm was heard throughout her living space, she turned it off, grabbed Indigo and headed into the elevator. Clicking the button with the 'MLR' lettering on it, indicating 'Main Living Room' the box began descending to the chosen floor. Upon her arrival, she noticed that all the other inhabitants had already woken up and come down there.

"Hey guys." Danielle said, coming over to the only seat left available, next to Clint. Steve, who was cooking had make a formula for Indigo, after J.A.R.V.I.S alerted them that they were on their way down, passed Danni the formula so she could feed the small babe. "Thanks." 

"No problem." Steve said absently, going back to cooking everyone's breakfast. Today was pancakes with fresh fruit and cream.

Tony, who had noticed the bags under her eyes, stated "Danni, I mean this in the nicest, yet most truthful way possible...."He paused, trying to be slightly more dramatic than he thinks he is " You look like you've been run over by a bus, several times, then carried on with you boring everyday life." He said, not noticing that his words made her not only more tired of his BS but also infuriated. Everyone else however saw that a tsunami was coming Tony's way and decided to slowly move away from him.

" apologies that I have a 4 month old infant that cries every two hours. Then I have to try and get her back to sleep, which is extremely difficult by the way and that takes at least twenty minutes. I have to then try to get to sleep again and again but I can't do that easily either because my brain won't let me. My deepest apologies Tony." She ranted, then proceeds to pour Tony's water over his head, successfully pushing him off the seat he had been perched on, (Remember she's has elemental powers.) then acts like it was nothing while proceeding to finish feeding Indigo. Everyone either tried to hide their amusement or they were full blown laughing(*Cough* Clint *Cough*). Danielle ate her own food after feeding Indigo whilst listening to the conversations floating around the table.


A couple of hours later, Danielle retreated back into her room trying to avoid the Nerf War happening throughout the rest of the tower, putting Indigo in the play pen set up in her living room as she had recently discovered the ability to roll around.Indigo, being almost 5 months old, had started being able to do simple actions such as Mimicking, rolling around, dragging her-self on the floor, and smiling.  

After setting the 4 month old child down, Danielle went about cleaning the mess residing upon the floor. She didn't get very far as minutes later, Indigo had began crying. Releasing a tired sigh she placed the bag of trash on the floor, headed towards the younger brunette, and picked her up. Placing her in a better position, she proceeded to rock her to sleep while steadily heading towards the nursery. Humming a vaguely familiar tune that lulled her to sleep, Danielle placed her in the crib and quietly left intending to continue cleaning. 

Unfortunately every-time she had started cleaning, the baby would cry out. After checking her diaper several times, seeing nothing there, she finally gave up with the conclusion that she was just a baby seeking attention. 


A couple hours later, the door opened to reveal Bucky, who had come up here to find his missing girlfriend. The first thing he noticed was how silent it was, even for Indigo. Cautiously walking further, he stumbled upon his girls laying on the sofa, cuddling together.

Watching them, he realised that this is what he wants. He loves Danielle and with the way they he acts around Indigo, it's like he claimed her as his daughter anyway. He has always wanted  family and now.... He has one. 

Realising that he came up here to get them to get something to eat, he slowly picked up Indigo up and gently shook Danni Awake. Opening her eyes slowly, letting her vision adjust, her doe-eyes met the blue ones they always had some sort of magnetic attraction too. 

After successfully managing to get Danni up, while Indigo had managed wake up at some point before, they all headed to the kitchen which was surprisingly clear of any and all super freaks. Ignoring the strange absence of people he headed to the cupboard filled with baby supplies, with Indigo looking curiously around from her place on his hip, he collected all he needed to make a milk bottle for her and began making everything.

Bucky, being to focused on the task at hand, didn't notice how Danni was looking at him. Se never realised how....content he looked when he was around her or Indigo. How fatherly he was around Indigo. How he would look over them both just to make sure they were there. 

Being in her daze she didn't notice Bucky had finished making the bottle and looked over to her. "What?" Bringing her back to reality.

"I just..never really noticed the small thing you do for me and Indigo. I don't think I've actually ever thanked you for everything you've done for me." 

He let out a small laugh of surprise "Like what?"

"Just the small things, like when you would come in to check on me to see how I was coping with everything, how you would make sure no one puts garlic in my food cause I'm allergic."

"I didn't actually notice that myself Danni. I guess it was just instinct." 

Just as she was about to say something an alarm sounded through out the entire tower, alerting everyone that someone has managed to sneak in. An odd mist filled the room as the rest of the avengers (Minus Thor whose in Asgard and Tony whose out with Pepper) met up there. Everyone's vision became hazy until in knocked them out....



Anyway.......something gonna happen. I am literally writing chapters when I have the time and inspiration, but please understand that it's difficult to write due to personal issues and writers-block.


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