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The week after Danielle told everyone her story everyone was back to normal, joking-around selves. They help Danielle with getting up-to-date with everything. Follow her choice of fashion trends and hair-styles. 

After some testing they found out that Danni's mind blocked out her memories from before HYDRA as an instinct to protect them. They also found out that she can manipulate any solid matter after Tony's suit nearly killed them as well as control elements.

Currently they were getting ready to take Danielle shopping as they knew she couldn't keep 'borrowing' Natasha and Wanda's clothes. Tony and Bruce stayed behind to finish the decryption of Danielle's file. 

Danielle got dressed in a cute Autumn outfit. (Up top) Wearing a pink jumper with white dots, a beige scarf with a black skirt that reached mid-thigh. Black tights acted as a cover for her legs while wearing dark-brown boots that reached her calves with a white soft rim at the top of them. 

Meeting everyone in the shared living space they left to shop. 

------A few hours later--------

After getting her clothes, they got a call from Tony saying that they got into Danni's file and that they needed to talk to her, so they got ready to leave.

Putting everything away was alot more difficult then taking a picky person shopping...A lot more difficult.

"Sam! That has her underwear in it!"

"I broke it..."

"Clint! Stop trying to make a nest of sweaters."

Bucky just watched on from the door, highly amused, as they all tried to help Danielle put her clothes away. Until finally...


Everyone paused and turned to see Danielle was the one who shouted. They looked at each-other for a moment when hell broke loose.

"Clint started it with his creepy clothes nest"

"Natasha asked for our help to begin with"

"No I didn't, you boys followed us in here."

"We thought you needed help with unpacking everything..."

"Why? Did you think were incapable because were girls?" Natasha asked knowing if she gave them 'the' look, one of them would crack.

"No" Clint, Thor, Steve and Bucky exclaimed afraid of the outcome.

"Yes" Sam said, thinking the guys would say the same. But as soon as he heard he was alone, his eyes widened. He looked to Natasha and Wanda knowing by the looks he might not live to try and steal one of Bucky's plums again. So he did the only thing he could think of...He ran. Natasha and Wanda followed behind, ready to attack. Everyone but Bucky and Danni ran after them, not wanting to miss the death of Sam Wilson...He shall be missed for as long as it takes for the others to enjoy the silence.

They two people left in the room looked at each other and chuckled, knowing that the next following days are going to be filled with Sam staring at the girls, waiting for them to attack. 

After calming down, Danielle began putting the last couple of items away in her wardrobe, Bucky just watching from the door with a small smile on his face. He began taking things in about her he didn't before, while she was in her own world. Like the fact that she would unintentionally hum 'Rewrite the Stars' from 'The Greatest Showman' or how her hair goes to a more hazel shade when the sun hits it in just the right way. Or how her eyes have a small gleam of mischief but he could also see this haunted shadow, hiding behind it. 

Danielle turned, feeling eyes on her back, to see Bucky consumed with his thoughts, staring at her. "Why are you looking at me like that?" She asked, successfully knocking him out of his thoughts. 

His cheeks tinted pink after he realised he had been caught staring, He cleared his throat, thinking of what to say other than 'I was checking you out' as he thought he might scare her. So instead he went with "I have a question" He waited till he saw her nod before beginning again " I know HYDRA, I know that they break you until you feel the need to obey every command." With every sentence he took one step closer "They make you their own personal dog. Why didn't it work on you?" With one last step, his voice dropped down to a whisper, his eyes searching hers hoping she had an answer. "What is it about you that lures people in?" He asks while wondering how she did the same with him and being concerned. He doesn't want HYDRA getting their slimy, criminal hands on her.

Through this whole heroically, concerned monologue, Danielle had kept quiet, her breathing quiet, almost like the silence being broken by his silky voice would have her from the demons within. "I don't know" She answered equally as quiet as Bucky. 

Both their hearts were beating fast, their bodies centimetres apart. Bucky cups her face with his flash hand, searching her face for anything against his action. When he found none he leaned in and kissed her slowly, feeling her kiss back made him grin. The kiss was full of passion and they knew they didn't want to stop but, unfortunately, the human body for some stupid reason needs oxygen, so they pull away from each-other, smiles and all. 

They looked to the door when they saw movement seeing Sam, who some how managed to survive, with his phone out recording them. Bucky, having gotten used to this technology, understood what he was doing.


The rest of the day was spent with everyone teasing them about what happened and Bucky avoiding the doe-eyed beauty's gaze.


Hey Buttercups,

                                So I updated again. I'm actually really proud of this chapter.


*Clear throat and acts as if the fan-girl moment didn't happen.

Anyway, I will try to update tomorrow but I have work to do that includes being brutally attacked by rabbits. 

I was thinking after a few more chapters I would post another story. Maybe a Harry Potter one. I want your guys opinion please. 

If there are any mistakes please let me know!

Hope you enjoy the chapter!!!


Bruised, Broken and Tortured (Avengers)---UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now