Chapter 12: Aftermath

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Waking up the next morning was seemingly impossible to Danni. She had woken up so many times, between Indigo wanting her and the nightmares, she barely got any sleep. 
Deciding to wake up later, she lets her eyes fall shut and snuggles into her pillow. Halting her movements, she starts searching her head for any moment Tony mentioned making a breathing pillow. Finding none she cautiously looks up, only to sigh in relief to see Bucky's sleeping face a couple centimetres away from hers.
(A/N: sorry guys....I have to do this.)

" You're staring." Bucky says with a small smile on his face, his eyes remaining closed.

"I'm gazing."

"It's creepy."

"It's romantic." Danni shoots back, finding this a much better way to wake up.

A high-pitched cry shook the couple out of there stare. Their eyes moving towards the makeshift crib, holding a baby. Danni makes a move to get up, only to be stopped by Bucky.

" I'll get her." He had already gotten up so there was no point in trying to stop him, while shamelessly staring at his build. 

Bucky moves towards Indigo, feeling eyes on his back. Seeing her eyes red with tears rolling down her cheeks sends a pang through his heart, even though he knows it's nothing he can stop. 

His emotions have been a blessing and a curse for Bucky. He knows that HYDRA messed with his head, that his actions weren't his but he wishes he could take them back, yet he then thinks back to, how if he never did those thing....he would never have met Danni, and he would never met Indigo. 

Remembering this, he looks down at his daughter and heads over to Danni. He passes her over and, while watching, thinks how amazing it is to have these people in his life.

----A few days later----

Over the next few days very little happened. A couple tests had to be done to ensure than Danielle was fine, she was in perfect condition other than the fact that she had a few cuts and bruises and was slightly under-weight. Right now however, Bucky and Danielle were laying in bed, just relaxing. 

Danielle was a little more quiet, which worried Bucky. He was about to speak but Danni beat him to it.

"What are you hiding from me?" 

Bucky tensed, worried about the outcome of the next couple minutes "W-what? Nothing!" He pauses hoping the petite woman in his arms wouldn't notice and says more calmly "Nothing." 

Everything stilled for a couple of seconds until Bucky finally worked the courage up to say...well more blurt out-

"I want to adopt Indigo."

Danni sat up quickly and looked at Bucky, her eyes wide. She shakes her head as if not believing his words.

" What?"

Taking a deep breath, he says more confidently "I want to adopt Indigo." Seeing her about to speak, he quickly cuts in "I know we haven't been together very long, but when...HYDRA took you, I panicked. At first the only thing I could do was search and search for you. Steve finally pulled my head out of my ass and reminded me than I should be helping you by taking care of her. Then, one thing led to another, and I want to adopt her. I love her and...I love you, I love you both so much and-" He is cut off by a kiss. 

Like every-other kiss, there were no sparks, just them and a connection they didn't know they had until their first kiss. It's not a kiss from a stupid book, it's not a love sick couple explaining it on the television. It's them, their emotions and a connection that will fight to remain together...just like them. 

Bruised, Broken and Tortured (Avengers)---UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now