A/N And Introduction

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This is my first story on Wattpad, I know the discription was horrible but please no hate on this book I'm going to try my best and publish about every other day unless I get into one of those moods where I procrastinate a lot. Anyways I'm rambling again so This is where I'm going to introduce yall to the characters

Elijah- 16 Years Old, Favorite Colors Are Blue and Red, Orphan, His Hight is 5'11, Adventurous, Creative, Likes Inventing. Phobia Is Claustrophobic(Fear of Tight or Inclosed Spaces).

Natalia- 15 Years Old, Favorite Colors Are Blue and Black, Orphan, Her Hight Is 5'11, Hates Being An Orphan Cause She Feels Like An Outcast. Phobia Is Taphophobia(Fear of Being Buried Alive). Smart, Likes Inventing, Outgiong, Independent.

Ryker- 17, Favorite Color is Orange, Orphan, Tough,  Stuborn, His Hight is 6'0, Hates Being Called Weak, Phobia Is Tryphobia (Fear of Tiny Holes).

They Were The Three Main Characters, Now Here Are The Side Characters.

Elle- Owner of The Orphanage

James- Traveler

Bella- Mean Bully From Orphanage

Jax- Bellas Boyfriend

Augustus- ????

Lily- ????

There will be more that I have not mentioned.

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