Chapter 1: Orphanage

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Elijah's P.O.V

On a cloudy Tuesday morning Elijah decides to go for a walk to clear his head of what had heard the day before . "One of your parents might still be alive." Elijah headed off into the woods and went toward the river.

When he arrived, he sat in the grass and started talking aloud to himself. "What does that mean, my parents? One might still be alive?" As he sat and thought, he noticed the bushes started rustling.

He quickly jumped up and turned around. "Who's there" Elijah boomed out. Nothing happend. He called out again and he began to hear shuffling noises from beside him.

He slowly turned his head toward the shuffling noise, "Come out, and show yourself ." He said. He had no idea if it were a person, animal, or rather all in his head. He began to become anxious, then out of nowhere his best friend Natalia came out from behind the bushes.

"Hey" was all she said after giving a nervous laugh. "I'm sorry to startle you, but I seen you leave this morning and I wanted to make sure you were ok" She said. "It's fine, but I we should be getting back don't you think" He asked.

She nodded and they started toward the Orphanage. Once they arrive the bell on top of the Orphanage rang, which means it was time to wake up so, they quickly made it inside and rushed to do their chores.
No one's P.O.V

"Ok so, Elijah and I are going to do the kitchen and You and Bella are gong to do the bathroom, okay." Said Natalia. She, Elijah and their other friend Ryker are planning their chores. "Wait wait wait, I have to clean the bathroom with Bella!" Ryker said shocked that his friends would do that to him.

"Kidding! But you do have to do your chores with Jax, okay." Elijah said slightly laughing. "Ok that's fair he's a nice guy, I just don't see how he can stand Bella though."

"I know right! It's crazy how such a nice guy can be with such a butthole." Replied Elijah. "Hey guys." A male voice called out to them. Everybody turned and saw Jax.

"Hey man, so you and Ryker are going to clean the bathroom okay." Said Elijah. "Oh yeah that's fine just one thing, Bella and I were going to clean so your going to come with us ok" Replied Jax. "Oh boy...." murmurs Ryker "Ok that's fine."

"Great! Let's go then" says Jax. As soon as Ryker leave with Jax, Elijah and Natalia starts laughing their hearts out. "O-ok that was hillarious" says Natalia between laughs. "I know right, His face though" Elijah replies.

They leave to do their chores in the kitchen, "So let's start with the dishes then go to the tables." Offers Elijah "Ok sounds good" replies Natalia. As they did their chores they had a little conversation about escaping.

"So if you wanted to we could try and escape one night" says Natalia. "Hell no, do you realize what would happen if we got cau-" A loud boom cut off Elijah's rambling.

That's it for chapter 1 what did you think? Hope you enjoyed!!! ♡♡♡

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