Chapter 4: It's Not Always Cupcakes and Rainbows

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As you can see i changed the book title and cover because i didn't think people would want to read it. Anyway from now on I'm going to be writing in first person point of view, it's mainly going to be in Elijah's point of view but if it's Natalia's or Ryker's I'll let you know. Song: Gasoline By Hasley. Warning song contains swearing.

I look up to see Natalia in some guys arms, I felt a pang in my chest. I don't like the look of this guy.

"Oh, I'm so sorry sir, I wasn't watching where I was going." She apologizes.

He sets her down on the ground, "It's fine, are you guys from around here, I've never seen yall before?" He asks.

I walk closer to them, right behind Natalia and get a good look at this guy.

He has straight blonde hair, sort of like a fuck-boy hair cut. He has grey-blue eyes, he's a lot shorter then us, I would say maybe around 5'6. He looks to be about 19. His skin is really pale, almost white. His clothes are a dark green camouflage colour. A very slim but fit body.

"No were not from here we are uhm travelers, and we just thought this was such a pretty place why not come look around, you know?" Ryker asked.

"Why yes it is, oh I'm sorry to be rude my name is James, James Henderson, and yall are?" James greeted.

"I am Elijah this is Ryker and Natalia." I point to each of us.

"Oh well Natalia's a very pretty name" James says smiling at her.

"Thanks, but we really should be going now." She says clearly uncomfortable.

"Why yes it is getting very late, well  town is that way, hope to see you around again." James pointed in the direction of the town.

"Right we will be going now" Ryker pulled Natalia's hand and started walking off, gesturing for me to follow.

I picked up my pace and went over to them, Ryker eventually let go of Natalia's hand as we continued to walk.

We finally arrive at the town, I glance around as we walk in, it's actually a pretty nice place. I mean considering  I've never seen anything like this.

There's many buildings side-by-side, but there's enough room for everyone to walk around. Everywhere I turn I see people, people, and more people.

"Ok guys, how about we go into some shops and look around?" Ryker asked.
I take a glance at Natalia, she's nodding to his idea. "I mean what's there to lose."

He has a point. We have absolutely nothing to lose. "I'm down with that, what about you Natalia?" I look toward Natalia. She nods. "Sure, the bad thing is, we can't buy anything but yeah let's look around." She replied.

"Great! So let's go then." Ryker turned around to look for a store. "How about that one." He points to a light gray building. Of course, you should always leave it up to Ryker to chose a store.

We walk into the store and right then and there I knew it was a mistake to let Ryker chose a store. There is people with tattoos and weird face piercings everywhere.

Ryker's grin grew even bigger, he than ran off toward some jackets. I look over at Natalia, she's giving this place weird looks. I chuckle at her kidish faces. She turns toward me and frowns "What." I stop chuckling and catch my breath. "Nothing at all Nat, nothing at all." I give her a little smile.

We continued talking until we were rudely interrupted by Ryker. He came over to us and started spinning. "Remind me why we're friends with him again" I whisper to Natalia. She laughs quietly, it wasn't a giggle cause she doesn't do that but it wasn't to loud either.

"Ryker stopped spinning and look at us. "Do yall like the jacket? That's why I'm spinning idiots." Ryker says. He's wearing a black leather jacket with a snake sign near the top of it. "Don't call me that idiot."

"Well now that you've look around in here can you put the jacket up let us get out of here." I'm really getting the chills in here

"Yeah I guess." Natalia gets a head start, she's already outside waiting. I follow behind her and Ryker behind me.

"Okay so, please tell me one of you had money in your junk bag under your beds." Natalia stops and looks at us. She has these hazel eyes that change colors. When she's being serious or she's mad they're a bright green.

"Uhm, I think I had like thirty bucks I stole from Ellie but that's about it." I say. Natalia nods then looks at Ryker. "Hmm I got like twenty I think."

"Ok that's really good, with all our money put together we have." She pauses to think "eighty bucks. So we can get a hotel room for a night."

We both nod and we continue walking until we see this sign that says 'Motel-Twenty bucks a night-free wifi + breakfast'.

"We walk in and Natalia pays for a one-bed room. We find it and walk inside. "So where is everyone gonna sleep?" Natalia sets all of our bags down and sits on a chair.

"Natalia you should get the bed and me and Ryker can sleep on the floor or couch." I say. "Okay, I'm going to take a shower and I guess yall can unpack." She nods and walks into the bathroom with her bag.

"Well you heard her, let's unpack" Ryker grabs my bags and throws them at me. Thankfully I have good reflexes and catch the bags with no problem.

After we finished unpacking Ryker said he was gonna have a look around outside.

I still can't stop thinking about that letter I got a few days ago. I mean if you were an orphan for your whole life how would you feel if you got a letter saying one of your parents might be alive. I haven't told Natalia or Ryker about it yet, it's not that I don't trust them it's just I'm still trying to find out if it's legit or not.

My thoughts get cut off as Natalia walks out of the bathroom with a black hoodie and leggings.

That hoodie looks familiar.

Too familiar

"Natalia why do you keep stealing my hoodies?" She laughs at my childish whining. She walks over and pats my back. Her laughs quiet down and her face turns serious. Oh god this can't be good.

"Hey, uhm where's Ryker?" She asks. I clear my throat. "He went to look around. Why?" She sits beside me on the bed. "The other day I he-" She got cut off when we heard the door shuffling.

We both turn to see Ryker walking in. "Hey guys I'm back." He paused when he saw us. "Did I interrupt something?" He asks. "Nope not at all."

"Ok well we have a big day tomorrow so I think we should get some rest." Ryker says taking off his shoes than lays down on the couch.

Natalia rubbed my back and whispered something in my ear than got up and layed under the covers as I stood up and found some blankets and made a palette on the floor.

My eyes started getting heavy, but before I fell into a deep slumber I started thinking about what Natalia told me before she layer down. "It's not always cupcakes and rainbows."


Well look who's back! Sorry it took forever. Writers Block sucks. Anyways hope you enjoyed! ♡

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2018 ⏰

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