Chapter 3: Runaway?

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This song has nothing to do with this but it's a good song so enjoy!
Song: Not Today By Imagine Dragons
Natalia's P.O.V.

Natalia ran while pulling Elijah with her.

'This is my chance for us to leave, but I got to put letter on Ryker's bed.' Natalia thought.

"Natalia!" She heard a shout which snapped her out of her thoughts.

She stopped running and turned around to look into captivating green eyes.

"Yes..." Natalia said laughing nervously.

Elijah Chuckled "Welcome back to the real world, Where are we going?"

Natalia just stared at their intertwined hands, she has no idea what to say, she knows if she says "Oh, we're just going to put a letter on Ryker's bed saying meet us in the woods so we can escape." he would disagree to that immediately.

"W-we uhm, we are...going for a walk like I said earlier, now go get ur shoes on and meet me outside at the large tree in the back." Natalia said letting go of his hand.

"Okay?" Elijah said, but it came out more like a question.

"kay bye!" Natalia yelled while running off into the dormitory.

'Ok so I need paper, a pen, and Ryker's bed.' Natalia was going to write a letter saying to meet her and Ryker out side so they could runaway.

After writing the note she went to her and Elijah's beds, which were right by each others, and grabbed some clothes and other supplies for both of them.


Elijah's P.O.V 

Elijah watched Natalia as she ran off, he had a feeling she was up to no good like usual.

He then stumbled to the bathroom so he could quickly get a shower.

After about 15 minutes he got out and went toward the dormitory so he could grab his shoes and go meet Natalia for that walk.

He put his shoes on and began to walk outside to the large tree in the back near the forest.

Elijah wonder why she wanted to meet in the back near the forest but, he stopped thinking about it and continued walking.

When he arrived he saw Natalia leaning on the tree, trying to hide some bags behind her back.

"Hey, so uhm what are u doing with some bags I thought we were going on a walk" Elijah wondered.

"Uhm....Hold that thought." Natalia mumbled

Elijah stood their staring at her impatiently as she stuggled to find some thing to say

"So Uhm....nice weather huh?" She said, more like asked.

"Yeah whatever you say" Elijah knew she was trying to change the subject but he knew she clearly didn't want to talk about it.

They stood there in silence for a few minutes until Natalia started smiling.

"What?" Elijah was confused about what she was smiling and staring at so he turned around and seen Ryker walking towards them.

"Hey guys" Ryker greeted.

Ryker look toward Elijah "Hey did she drag u here to" He said gesturing toward Natalia while grinning.

"Yeah she did," Elijah turned toward Natalia "So why are we all here I thought we were going for a walk" He asked.

Natalia Smiled a showing her pearly white teeth and grabbed Elijah's and Ryker's hand. "Were Escaping!" She said excitedly.

"What!, I didn't sign up for this i just came here for a walk and your like 'come on were gonna escape no harm done la la la' no no no we can't what if we get caught, what if--" Elijah got caught off bye Natalia putting her hand over his mouth.

"Shhhh! Do you want to get us caught!?" She asked.

Natalia felt a wet slimy substance on her hand and moved it off of Elijah's mouth.

"Gross! Your flipping licked me" She whisper-yelled.

Elijah Smirked and started laughing.

"You s-should have seen your f-face" Elijah said while laughing.

Ryker on the other hand was on the ground having a laughing fit

"That was so gross but funny at the same fucking time"

Natalia flinched as he said the swear word, ever sense she was little she hated Swearing so she used words like flipping and shoot instead of swear words.

"Ok ok were getting off subject c'mon guys let's go before we get caught" Natalia grabbed their hands and tried pulling them forward.

"Ugh fine let's go, and the only reason I'm going is cause I can't deal with Bella all by myself" Elijah said walking forward

"Great!, what about you Ryker?" Natalia asked.

"You don't have to tell me twice, let's go." He said grabbing her hand and heading off with them.

Elijah was behind them, he glanced down at their intertwined hands and his eyes twitched.

Elijah has liked Natalia ever scene they had met, but of corse no one knew that, not that he didn't trust Ryker with his secrets cause Ryker is like a brother to him, he just didn't tell no one cause he knew Ryker liked her too.

"Elijah!" He broke out of his thoughts when he heard some one scream his name.

" O-ok uhm, Yes?" He asked.

Natalia gave him a small reassuring smile "Hey, are you ok you just blanked out on us." She asked breaking away from Ryker as she walked toward Elijah and grabbed his hand.

Elijah flinched at her touch "Y-Yeah I'm just tired sorry" He stuttered.

Ryker eyed him suspiciously. "Well your heard the man he's all good let's get back on the road" He told Natalia.

Natalia gave Elijah a small smile and continued walking into the distance away from the Orphanage.


Natalia's P.O.V

Natalia glanced behind her every few minutes to check on Elijah and make sure he's ok.

She's been a little worried about him, he's been quite, and too quite for her liking, Elijah's always talking and making jokes, but lately he's been really quite and looks like he's thinking about something very important.

She doesn't want to bring something up that's been bothering her for a few days.

She remembered when she followed him out into the woods and heard him talking to himself, she remembered him saying that one of his parents might be alive! That's crazy important and he hasn't tried telling one of us about it!

As Natalia was in deep thought she didn't see the tree limb in front of her and she tripped.

She threw her arms out waiting for the contact of the ground, but it never came...

So that was chapter 3, hoped you guys enjoyed. This was the longest chapter so far!! Bye!♡♡

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