Chapter 2: Chores

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No one's P.O.V

"Hell no, do you realize what would happen if we got cau- A loud boom cut off Elijah's rambling.

"What the hell was that!" Natalia yelled.

"I don't know, let's go find out." Replied Elijah.

Elijah and Natalia ran off in the direction of the boom.

Ryker's P.O.V

'I wish I was with Elijah and Natalia, but no they have to be together.' Ryker thought.

"Keep cleaning moron." Demands Bella.

"Why don't you get down here and clean, huh" Ryker said getting Annoyed.

"Oh I'm to good to get down on that nasty floor" She said.

"Hey guys I'm back, sorry had to grab some mops and chemicals" Says Jax from the doorway.

"Baby!" Bella yells and jumps up to run to Jax.

"Uhm, hey I was only gone for like 2 minutes" He says confused.

"I know I just missed you" She says hugging him with a fake smile on her face.

"Uhm, hate to inturupt you two but, we still gotta clean." Ryker said sarcastically. 'This is gross' He thought.

"Oh, right well let's get to cleaning then" Said Jax while setting down the chemicals and mops.

While Jax and Ryker were cleaning Bella grabbed some of the chemicals and started mixing them together.

'Something smells really bad' Thought Ryker. Ryker turned around and saw Bella, then she looked up and saw him and took a lighter and lit the chemicals.

Natalia's P.O.V

'This is not good' Natalia thought as her and Elijah were running to the scene.

"What do you think it was?" Elijah asked. Natalia was silent for a moment, she didn't know what to say.

"Uhm...I honestly have no idea." She said with a nervous laugh.

They continued running and talking when they smelled something really bad.

"Ew, that smell is horrible, we'll let's go inside." Said Elijah while pinching his nose cause of the bad smell.

"Ok." Natalia murmured under her breath as Elijah was opening the door.

When Elijah opened the door, they just stared at the three people sitting(more like laying) on the ground with almost their whole body black(not being racist).

"What the hell happend to you guys!" Natalia screamed. She should have guessed it was about Ryker cause he got pared up with Bella.

"It was all Bella, Bella freaking mixed chemicals together and blew everything up!" Replied Ryker.

"No it wasn't, why would I put us in harm" Bella said with an innocent tone.

They then began to hear heavy footsteps, they all turned around and seen no other than Elle -Owner of The Orphanage- storming into the room, still drunk of course.

"What the hell happend in here!" She screamed. Everyone stood there silently.

"U-um well you see, Bella, Jax and I w-were umm cleaning and B-Bella mixed all of the chemicals together and w-when she did that it blew up and here we are now." Ryker said while fiddling with his shirt.

"Ok, we'll Uhm clean this shit up, if I come in here and there is still stuff everywhere then God so help me it's not gonna be pretty." She said stumbling out of the room.

"Bella, Jax and Ryker, Yall are gonna clean this mess sense yall made it, Elijah and I are going for a walk sense were done, Kay Bye!" Natalia pulled Elijah's hand and left the room.

Here's chapter two, sorry it took longer to update, I procrastinated again.... anyways hope you enjoyed!♡♡♡

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