Chapter 24

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Their conversation went on about the new ships.

"Alisa, what marriage do you want? Civil or the one in the church?"

My jaw dropped. People didn't know that we had a relationship. And especially, Euphiemia that had also a relationship with Jahrid. Whatever! Well, I knew just yesterday.

"Uh.. Just civil"

Ranilia nodded. "Okay, I'll take care of it and Cyril.. These two ships..." I didn't listened anymore.

Maybe I'm numb. This thing will finally end. I wonder what Jandrick must've feel.

I looked at him. He's looking at some papers. I wonder what he did earlier had.. A meaning for him.

I looked away when my cheeks flushed. About what he said 'Fiancee' is mad? Me? Well, whatever!

"Shall we take dinner later together?"I looked at Ms. Ranilia. She looks genuine.

"Sure.."Dad answered. I looked at Dad and I pouted. He also looked at me and he nodded assuring that I don't need to be uncomfortable.

"Cyril? Do you had hired engineers?" Ranilia asked continuing their conversation.

Dad nodded. "Yes soon because they are still in training but I made sure they will be here"he said.


"But unfortunately, I will place them a firm on the USA, here in the main we had it already"

"What about the leader of their team, Cyril? Is he a navy architect or engineer?"

Dad chuckled. "I'm afraid it's a 'she', Ranilia and she's a family friend, she's on her first year intern with her team at the USA"Dad explained.

Family friend?

"And may I know who is that?"

"Enticeana Madelline Luana"

(A/N: entaysiana/ entisiana madilayn luana :)

Familiar. Luana. Is she the daughter of Dethy Luana and Emilio Luana?

Tsk, that girl. I saw her once. She was kid at that time and I can see her parents is... Uh.. How should I explain?

Her parents always scold her, I don't know.

"Excuse me a bit.."I said then stood up. I went out of the conference room.

It's almost six o' clock. I put my arms into the railings. I looked below. I felt goosebumps when I realized this sixth floor is high.

I sighed. This things will almost end. I don't know what will happen if both me and Jandrick will be known as husband and wife.

Urgh, I wonder....

I felt warmth behind me. I widen my eyes. I was about to turn to it but it's hug is so tight.

I can familiarize the natural smell... Of Jandrick. I sighed.

"What are you doing?"I asked.

"Staring at you from afar a while ago and you're here deep thought"

"You shouldn't leave your Auntie"

"I excused myself, anyway"

"Whatever, Jandrick.."


The four of us went to the restaurant of the building for some dinner.

Different kind of meals are ordered. Like porks, chickens and some soups.

I widen my eyes when Jandrick sat beside me. He tilted his head and smiling widely.

I only breathed heavily because of my throbbing heart.

After some awkward moments, we finished eating. Dad and Ranilia talked something.

Like where is Mother and whatsoever. I can see at the corner of my eye that Jandrick is looking at my moves.

I only drank water and my left arm is crossed on my stomach. I realized I still wore his freaking coat. His Auntie must've noticed.

I swallowed hard when I took a last sip of the water. If only I could melt and turn to jelly because of his stares. Damn it!

"Alisa? Can I have a word with you, please?"

I quickly looked at Ms. Ranilia. I nodded. I walked past Jandrick. The two of us are walking away from them.

I took a glimpse of Jandrick, he also looked at me seriously.


Fuck! I looked at her. She is smiling widely. Damn, Haniegos are the same as ever.

Well, she really is.

"You love my nephew, aren't you?"

My jaw dropped. Now I regret agreeing to Jandrick about the marriage because he was the one who convinced me.

And the way she made it sound like, she looks so sure and confident. I suddenly want to beg that it's a yes.


She only smiled. I looked away. Damn, this is creepy.

"I'm may be a single, dear but I was like you too. A playgirl. I was once had a relationship and didn't go well, that's why I did that"

My mouth turned circle. Me too, I want to get over whatever I'm feeling for Jandrick.

"I can see how my nephew looking at you... At first, I didn't agreed to this but I'm surprised how he reacted. He is staring at you like he was counting stars but never looking away from the moon because he might lose it"

Oh fuck? What the hell is this?

"As you too. He never smile that wide a while ago"

I only looked at my foot. It's verg embarrassing. Wake up, Alisa. This is Jandrick's Auntie!

For Pete's sake!

She chuckled. "I'm sure your father has that talk like me, too"she said. I widen my eyes and looked at Dad and Jandrick.

Jandrick's lips parted. Then he looked away from Dad.

"Your Dad and I had talked about this when the two of you left a while ago... So I'll cancel the fixed marriage and we'll let you two go along with your feelings.."


"Go on, dear. It's very obvious that the two of you liked each other"

I didn't know if I'm still breathing or not about what she said. Is this real? Nah..

"Go on"she said while tilting her head to Dad and Jandrick still talking. I closed my eyes.

This is the best... Night and dinner ever for me! Fuck! I will never breath because of my hammering heart!!

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