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|ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ɴɪɴᴇ


"hey hyungs!" a bright, cheery voice says as soon as the apartment door is open to reveal taehyung standing in the middle.

yoongi and jimin both smile brightly at the boy, saying their hellos as well before the blonde boy moves aside to let them in. when they step in they're immediately filled with the calming scent of what seems to be vanilla. the apartment warm and cozy and vintage that it just reminded yoongi and jimin of how well this fits taehyung.

but they can't forget about jeongguk either.

the photos and fairy lights hung up around the walls, along with the bookshelf with books along with coloring pages. his box of toys and even some movies on the bottom shelves. just simple and small things that also reminded them of their little maknae.

"do you two want something to drink?" taehyung asks while opening the fridge. glancing behind his back to see both olders nod their head.

"just a water is fine." yoongi says and jimin nods along. taehyung getting the cold beverages before setting them down in front of them. it's quiet for the most part. and jimin was starting to wonder where jungkook was.

usually the little rascal was out by this time, or the one to jump in who's ever arms when the door first opened. but neither of those things happened and it was slightly worrying to jimin.

taehyung seemed to read his mind for he sends him a soft smile, closing the lid to the water bottle and pushing it to the side.

"gguk is at the dance studio, the instructor wanted him to practice more." taehyung says and both can here the slight sadness and worry in his voice.

yoongi plays with the wrapper of the water bottle, internally wincing because he knows once jungkook gets home, he'll slip immediately. the younger gets stressed easily, and worries too much for his own good. it makes him slip more often than not, taehyung and them don't hate it, but they knew it wasn't good for him to be under so much pressure.

"have you talked with him about it?" yoongi asks, and taehyung stiffens. his lips downward and that's enough to give an answer to him. he looks at taehyung with a knowing look, making taehyung sigh and intertwine his fingers as he rest his elbow a on top of the table.

"I know I need to, and I will. I just haven't found the time." he says, sounding disappointed.

jimin lightly smiles, patting his arm in comfort and that earns him a boxy smile in return.

"it's okay to have not yet, just do it soon yeah?" jimin says and taehyung nods his head eagerly.

they end up getting to catch up with another, wondering how things were going with each other and of course it leads to the topic of hoseok. a small smile forming on jimins lips and he doesn't think he's felt this way for anyone besides yoongi.

"so, tell me about this whole thing again. because I'm still slightly confused." taehyung says, and both males end up tensing just the slightest.

though taehyung knew both of them thought hoseok was cute, and knew he wouldn't be against poly relationships, they were still on edge about the whole thing.

"well, a few days ago I ran into, as you know, hoseok. and when I did I couldn't just...get him to leave my mind. he was cute, no doubt, but I just...felt the same yet different like how I met jimin." yoongi starts up the conversation, saying the last part quietly but both catch him.

instead of jimin feeling jealous or hurt, he feels oddly happy. because he knew yoongi would have a struggle with this, but at least he wasn't against the idea of giving hoseok a try. of giving them a try.

"I met him not too long after, I have him in dance and the day I met him I just couldn't stop blabbering about him to yoongi. we ended up talking and just, can you help us get closer to him?" jimin closes and both are nervous to no end. waiting for taehyung to either react badly, or help them through this.

to their hopes, taehyung didn't react badly. instead he was shocked, eyes widening and he puts out his lower lip as he nods his head.  both jimin and yoongi signing in relief as their friend makes a move into helping them.

"interesting, I've never met anyone who was in a poly relationship. but doesn't mean I'm against it. so yes, I'll help." taehyung assures them and smiles his signature boxy smile.

jimin and yoongi both cheer, probably too excitedly but who could blame them?

"alright, alright, what do you y'all want to know?" taehyung then asks after several thanks coming from his olders. yoongi and jimin give a glace toward each other and suddenly the air is tense again.

"we just wanna know, the basics i guess?" jimin questions, and taehyung nods his head in understanding. he takes a sip from his water bottle before letting out what there was to know.

"he's pretty shy, in all honesty. it takes time for him to warm up to people. don't push him, or push yourselves, for him to open up. I know you two won't, but he's cautious about trusting people." taehyung says sternly, eyeing both boys.

"he's also very sweet, as you two should know. he takes the blame for a lot of things, even if it's not directly his fault,"

jimin nods at his words, thinking back to when hoseok had accidentally hit him with the door. or, how yoongi said, had bumped into him and spilled coffee. though, yes, those were reasons for himself to take blame, it also wasn't necessary.

"he's a nice and caring friend, will stick by you no matter what. is very cute as well, and just, well, I would say the definition of a generous and out going person." taehyung says the last part with a smile, and yoongi smiles with him. showing his gums and he can't help but feel such a giddy feeling within him.

though, it turns serious once again when taehyung slowly stops smiling.

"but, there are some other things you might want to know. I can't go into detail, because it's really not my place to tell you, bu-" taehyung starts, but gets cut off from the sound of the front door opening and slamming shut.

all heads turn quickly, taehyung getting up on his feet but jeongguk passes by quick enough to his room and shuts it, locking it behind him.


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