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yoongi sits in the living room. hands clasped together as he leans forward, arms resting among his thighs. nothing but the traffic coming from outside interrupting the silence that falls within the apartment.

it feels empty, to say the least. with jimin locked within his room and nothing but the kitchen light on reflecting barely within the width of the hallway into the living room. he's not sure what to do. how to approach his boyfriend over something so sensitive to him. he knows it can't be hidden away forever. that the sooner they speak about it the sooner they can patch things up and move along.

it should be easy. but, it isn't. because jimin is stubborn and could ignore any problem for weeks on end — including people, including yoongi. it's happened once and god he does not want to relive that time. he can't bear when people are upset with him, when they ignore him. when they do, he has no clue why or when it happens in front of him and he knows — that's a different story. but it doesn't change the fact that he's lost when he doesn't know.

he sighs as he closes his eyes. leaning his head against his hands. he shouldn't have to think so hard about this — yet here he is kicked out of his own room and left to rethink everything and can't seem to get anything right.

he stands and walks to the kitchen. turning on the sink and filling the kettle with water before putting it on the stove in order to get warm. not so long after does his phone start to ring. his eyebrows furrow before he goes to retrieve it from the living room, checking the caller id before pressing accept.


"hey, hyung."

yoongi pauses — he recognizes that voice anywhere. it's jeongguks. he sounds small, soft. but not in the way where he's little — obviously. he sounds cautious, like he knows what happened even though he couldn't have without getting told the actual situation.

"hyung?" jeongguk asks from the other line, tone higher pitched and it brings yoongi out of his state of thoughts.

"yeah — yeah sorry, I'm here. what do you need?" he replies. rushed and kind of uneasy. even though he shouldn't be — but he can't help but feel like he's fixing to get scolded by his mother. yet jeongguk is very much younger than he is.

"it's nothing. i was just — calling to say sorry. and thank you." jeongguk sounds smaller with each word. shy and anxious and some sort of relief falls over the older. he sits down on the couch, sighing as he resumes his earlier position.

"of course gguk, but why are you sorry?" he asks, keeping his voice low and as steady as possible.

there's a beat of silence before, "hyung told me what happened."

at that moment, he feels his heart break. because jimin no doubt called taehyung and taehyung had ended up telling jeongguk and that's what lead to this certain conversation. he rubs his temple with his free hand, keeping his breathing steady. he wasn't upset — but he was worried. because none of them should have been brought into this anyway.

"you shouldn't be sorry for that, never should you apologize for a situation like this." he says, voice hard but he's trying to let him know.

"but hyung if i just went to taehyung and not — not you then jimin wouldn't be upset." yoongi can hear the cracks in his voice — knows the younger is on the verge of tears. there's nothing he can do though - besides let jeongguk know it's okay.

"gguk —"

"no, hyung i'm the cause of this and the past and god - why can't you understand that jimin is upset with you and my little side!"

yoongi stays quiet. swallows the lump in his throat. truth is — he does understand that jimin isn't so keen when yoongi is there when jeongguk is little. it's not that he hates jeongguk for it, god no. just something he can't quite get over from a little over three years ago. becuase at that time — yoongi was jeongguk's caregiver. yoongi was jeongguks and jeongguk was his. there's no denying there's still something there, and that something is when jeongguk is little. that small part still clings to yoongi even if taehyung is his now, even if he's his main caregiver.

he doesn't realize that he's been quiet for a while until jeongguk speaks up again.

"i'm sorry hyung." he sounds so small. so hurt. and it breaks his heart more.

"what did i say about apologizing?" he says, and when there's silence, he continues.

"i do understand gguk — but this is not something to beat yourself up about. it was my choice to step in or not. but never, ever blame yourself for acting the way you do." he sounds sure — which he is. yet it sounds empty, partly. he just hopes jeongguk takes away with it.

"okay hyung." jeongguk replies, and yoongi sighs.

"let me speak with taehyung, please." he says next and before he knows it - the other is getting placed on the phone.

"hello? hyung?" is the first thing he hears. panic laced within the words.

"hey, taehyung."

there's movement in the background, as well as a door closing and hushed voices before it finally settles again.

"you're gonna ask about jimin, aren't you." the younger states — and, well, he isn't wrong.


he hears a sigh, a beat of silence then — "just talk to him."

yoongi takes this as a surprise, because it was so blunt. not really answering what he wanted to hear but —

"he's not as upset with you as you think, hyung." taehyung says, far more softly. and it does something to actually relax the older. jimin being best friends with the other — he can truly trust what he says.

"are you sure?" he sounds hopeful, which — shouldn't be bad.

"i'm sure." taehyung replies.

yoongi nods — even if the other can't see him. he's grateful, truly. because he would have never guessed what would happen if the others weren't here.

"thank you taehyung." he says, and he can practically feel the other smile.

"anytime hyung." he replies, and soon after, the line goes dead.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2019 ⏰

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