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"hoseok!" namjoon shouts as he sees the younger walk into the sub. waving the orange-haired boy over as he has a dimpled smile plastered on his face.

hoseok looks toward the male, a smile crawling up to his face. it didn't feel as forced, and he felt better than before even if it wasn't a lot. namjoon usually did that to a lot of people. with his outgoing and yet shy personality, along with that insanely cute dimpled smile. it was hard not to resist.

"hi, namjoon hyung." hoseok says softly, but enough for the older to hear and immediately frown. his eyebrows furrowing and the tension in the air rising steadily as he eyes hoseok. the younger staring back at him with that same anxious glint namjoon has come to know well for the past years of his life.

"what happened?" he asks, or more states than anything else. knowing well that his friend of a thousand years had gone through the same thing. again. but he also knows hoseok, as stubborn as he is, will say it's nothing.

"nothing? everything is fine." he replies while laying his things on the table and his backpack on the back of the chair. namjoon sighs, he was right. the younger would deny it in the beginning, but he knew all too well that his younger friend would give in and have no choice but to tell him.

"drop the act hoseok." he says, voice stern and the two have a staring contest before namjoon sees the light brown orbs waver. lip getting caught in between his teeth and god dammit why did namjoon have to know him so well?

"was it another dream?" he asks. voice much more softer and lower. making hoseok look down and make his hands turn into fist. clutching nothing in particular. he wishes he had a stuffie. or anything that could keep him grounded. but he didn't, and it makes his heart sink.

he nods his head slowly. releasing a shaky breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding in. a frown prominent on his lips and namjoon even feels a tug at his heart because it still hasn't stopped.

hoseok wasn't the only one who wished he could forget that day - namjoon knows what happened, along with events that made his friend fall into a dark hole that he seemed he couldn't get out of. feeling alone even if there were people right by him and home hen could call his own, yet never would.

namjoon leans over. takes a hand in his. rubbing circles on the smooth and pale skin. hoseok feeling himself slip, and slip, and slip.

it wasn't long until tears fall down. namjoon getting up from his seat and hugging the broken boy. the other students paying no mind and the two boys were glad of that.

"I w-want i-it to stop." hoseok sobs out. words jumbled but namjoon hears him clearly and he thinks how much longer this will last as we'll.

"don't worry, you'll be okay." namjoon reassures. but hoseok can't believe it.

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