safe with you

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It has been a month since I last seen or heard from Riley, my every move was being watched by his father's hired men. The distance of being apart from Riley hurt like crazy but I trusted him with his plans of trying to get this all to end, I knew we truly couldn't be together until it ended. I was sitting at a dog park while I watched Bowie playing with another dog when Riley's father Frank as he sat down on the bench beside me.

Frank: hey Ariana, I know being stuck inside a safe house gets tiresome after awhile but I think you should get back before someone from Antonio's family sees you sitting out here like this...

Ariana: no disrespect to you sir but I really wouldn't care at this point...

Frank: well Riley would care and I know you miss him but he is safe.

Ariana: he is in this mess because of me, I should have never left home and none of this would be happening.

Frank: you did what you felt was right Ariana so don't beat yourself up because of it.

Ariana: I just wish I could see Riley and know that he was okay...

Frank: I know you love my son very much Ariana, before he left he told me that when all of this is was over he was going to marry you when he returned whether Antonio liked it or not. Nobody knows this but before I formed my own Mafia I worked for Antonio...

Ariana: you did?

Frank: yeah but that all changed when I met Riley's mother, I eventually stopped taking orders from Antonio and when he found out the reason why he tried everything to keep me from her but things happened and Riley come along so he made me choose, it was either my family or my job and well here we are 24 years later...

Ariana: what happened to his mother?

Frank: she died when Riley was 13 and that's when he met Jake, those two have been best friends ever since, it was like they were almost brothers

Marco: hey boss I hate to rush you both but we have unwanted company.

Frank: Marco get Bowie and take Ariana some place safe, I will see why he is here.

Marco: of course boss, lets go miss Ariana...

I grabbed Bowie and begun walking with Marco while Riley's father spoke with the unwanted guest Marco told him about. I was quickly put in the back of a car and drove back to the safe house while Marco made sure nobody followed us to the house.

Ariana: is everything okay Marco

Marco: yes everything is okay miss, the boss will handle things don't worry.

I held Bowie close while I thought back to the last thing Riley told me before he left to do what he had planned.

"just know that I will be with you no matter what happens to me."

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