When you suddenly get lost around the dorm (scenario)

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- probably lost you while fixing a toy of yours he broke.

- scared af

- "Y/N! Come to Namu appa!"

- Looks around the places he might think you've might of entered

- even under the couches

- finds you playing with a broken piece of the toy he broke under the bed

- hugs you alot and doesn't let go until you have to eat


- probably lost you while cooking

- sweats a ton due to the stress

- "Princess!! Don't hide from eomma!"

- deadass looks all around the dorm

- including the carpets

- finds you crawling on the floor on your way to your crib

- sits you in your high chair feeding you cheerios to keep you away from crying


- probably lost you while playing Fortnite

- runs desperately to all of the member's rooms

- " Aigoo..Y/N-ah! I will let you play next round!"

- tries getting fruit snacks and hope for you to smell them and find your way to them

- crawls like a baby also to look around the floor

- finds you in his closet full of white shirts and timberlands..and you wearing his huge ass shirt.

- sits you on his lap, letting you see him play


- probably lost you while in social media

- paces around the room nervously


- asks every member if they have seen you

- doesn't ask jin cuz he know he gonna smack him

- finds you sleeping in his bed all cuddled up

- sleeps with you, hugging you lightly


- probably while he was dressing up in his bathroom

- he is about to burst into tears

- "Y-Y/N! Come here honey!"

- flips his hair trying to calm down

- doesn't work and freaks out even more

- finds you on the floor around the living room, trying to get into his phone, but it has a password

- picks you up, wiping his tears and taking you to his room to cuddle


- probably lost you while falling asleep in the couch

- looks calm but is actually dying

- "Hey! Where did you go?!"

- looks all over his room and studio

- also behind the TV

- finds you on the stairs with his swag hat on

- carries you everywhere he goes until someone is not busy

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