4: Madman

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"What's going on?" Bee asked as soon as Jimin came into the lab with Taehyung and Yoongi.

Jimin sighed, placing the radio on the table and switching it on, "You hear me Namjoon?"

"Yes, Sarge,"

Jimin turned back to Bee, who was sitting with Jungkook. Jin was sitting next to another bench, where Daisy was lying propped up by pillows and covered by blankets. She had an IV drip in her hand attached to a pole next to her and she looked barely conscious.

"We're dealing with a madman," He said, "Minhyuk and the men with him seem to be quite trigger happy, and they have one trained soldier with them, at least. I don't know how many of them there are, but they want in," He glanced to where Thalia, Hyungwon and Julie were locked behind the bars where4 the bed was at the other end of the lab.

"He said if they don't go back they're going to..." He trailed off, "Torture and kill someone by the name of Kihyun,"

There was a loud bang from behind the bars and all heads turned to look as Julie began to yank at the door.

"Let me out!" She shrieked, "I have to go back! I have to save Kihyun!"

"Julie, they'll kill you!" Thalia begged her, reaching out to pull her arm, "You can't! They know that we-"

Julie yanked her arm free, "Let me go!" She demanded, "Let me go, I need to save Kihyun!"

"I don't think so," Taehyung growled, "The first think she'll do is tell them our weaknesses!"

"Let her go," Bee spoke suddenly, "She can get her husband and she can sneak back,"

"That's too much of a risk," Yoongi spoke up, "I agree with Taehyung,"

"Me too," Jimin sighed, "I'm sorry, babe, but we can't just let her go,"

"I agree with Bee," Namjoon's voice came from the radio and everyone went silent, "Let her get her husband. I will be able to see if they try and let anybody else back in with them. Maybe they can tell us their weaknesses, instead,"

There was silence as everybody processed Namjoon's words.

"Please," Julie said quietly from behind the bars, "Please, let me go to him,"

Jimin ran his fingers through his hair and sighed, "Fine. You can go to him, but we will need to plan it properly. I don't trust you,"

Taehyung huffed, folding his arms over his chest, "Neither do I,"

"Nobody is to go beyond the inner gates," Jimin said, addressing the group, "Yoongi and I will take meals to Namjoon in the tower and I don't want Bee to even leave the house,"


"He's right," Yoongi interrupted, "Bee shouldn't leave the house. Jungkook, you deal with the animals and you come right back inside, as well," He turned, "Jin and Hyungwon can help me in the greenhouse and Thalia can be the medic while Taehyung helps guard the house,"

Jimin nodded, "Good idea. They can be of use but they won't be alone,"

Bee got to her feet and waddled towards the bars at the back of the lab. She unlocked the door and Julie came out, slowly followed by Hyungwon and Thalia.

"Thank you-"

"Don't thank us yet," Jimin said gruffly, cutting off Julie, "You're still a threat and if you betray our trust, we will kill you,"

"I won't betray your trust!" She promised, "I won't! I'll get Kihyun and we'll come back without letting them even know I was there,"

Jimin nodded, "Namjoon, I'm sending Julie out, now. Let her out and get back in the tower,"

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