39: Forget

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"Bee?" Bee didn't look up as Jungkook carefully climbed off Joonie's back and walked towards her, "Can I help?"

Bee shook her head, "You're injured Jungkook," She muttered, "You should be resting,"

"I can't let you do it alone," He said, "At least let me help,"

"You can't!" She cried, lifting her face to look at him, tears pouring down her cheeks, "You're hurt and if I let you do anything, it'll make it worse and everyone will hate me even more," She huffed, "So selfish of me to think like that,"

"Nobody hates you, Bee," Jungkook said, "You're being stupid. I know you're hurting and that nobody understands, but you can't say such horrible things,"

Bee sighed and wiped at her cheeks, "Yeah, I know. Sorry,"

"You really can't dig this by yourself," Jungkook said, "Let me help,"

Bee shook her head and continued to dig, "You're hurt. I really don't want you in more pain,"

Jungkook stood silently as Bee continued to dig. What felt like hours later, even though it was only a few minutes, he reached out and helped her out of the hole.

"I hope that's deep enough," She mumbled, "I've never dug a grave before,"

"You chose a good place," Jungkook commented, gesturing to the building on the other side of the hole in the ground.

Bee shrugged and headed to the car, opening the black door and trying to gently pull Taehyung's body out. Jungkook joined her, helping her lift him with a pained grunt as Little stood calmly by his feet, watching him.

After a little bit of effort, they both managed to carefully lower him into the grave, and once he was in safely, Bee and Jungkook stood in front of it quietly.

"I think you should be the one to say something," Jungkook said, "I don't think he'd appreciate anything from me, anyway,"

Bee nodded and stood quietly for a while. She wasn't surprised that there was nobody else there with her and Jungkook. Nobody liked Taehyung, and she did understand why; if she was in their position, she'd dislike him as well. He was vocal about how much he disliked everyone in their group, but Bee didn't think he actually felt like that.

Taehyung, in the last few days of his life, was different to before. Because of how he was when Namjoon passed, and his final actions of violence towards the group, Bee realised that he didn't hate the group members at all. He hated himself.

If he had wanted to kill anyone, he would have. Thalia wouldn't have even seen him climbing the ladder to the tower, and all the other shots would have been fatal. Taehyung was a trained Ghost; if he wanted them dead, they would be dead. But instead, he left them alive. She was beginning to think it was because he just wanted to escape. He felt trapped, and he was beginning to feel overwhelmed by his own feelings towards the other members of their group; he didn't hate them anymore.

Nobody understood her relationship with Taehyung, but she wasn't completely sure she did either. Taehyung was different. He was traumatised by his past and he was a born psychopath; yet despite that, he managed to keep most of his urges under control.

He felt trapped, and he just wanted to be free, but he didn't even understand himself anymore. Combined with how everybody treated him (Bee included), he just couldn't handle the pressure and he snapped.

"Bee?" Jungkook said softly, "Are you alright?"

Bee took a deep breath and nodded, wiping at her tears.

"I'm sorry, Tae," She started, "About everything. I'm sorry for how I spoke to you and how I treated you. I'm sorry that I didn't take more time to understand you better and help you through your problems. I'm sorry that I didn't make myself more approachable to you so you could come and talk to me about your issues. But despite everything, I am grateful to you. I want to thank you for everything you have ever done for me,"

Bee took another deep breath, lowering her gaze to the body in the grave, "Thank you for not giving up on me when I was lost. Thank you for guiding me through my pregnancy and helping deliver a healthy baby into the world. Thank you for saving our asses and taking initiative when no one else would. Thank you for being my assistant and my rescuer and my friend,"

Bee wiped at her face, "You don't need to worry about constraints anymore. You're not locked behind walls with people who are afraid and I hope more than anything that you are finally at peace. I might not have said it, and I regret more than anything that I didn't, but I care for you Taehyung," She took a deep, shuddering breath, "Even if you didn't see the same thing, I considered you one of the group; part of my family,"

"We all did," Bee and Jungkook whirled around in shock when Jimin's voice spoke softly behind them.

"Hyung," Jungkook's eyes widened when he saw Yoongi stood with the group of people; every single one of them was there, "You came,"

"Of course," Yoongi muttered, "In the end, he was still one of us, and it wasn't completely his fault," He paused, "I can't forgive him, but I can understand that he wasn't in his right mind,"

Bee turned back to the grave as Jimin moved beside her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. He was holding Breea in his other arm, and she was staring calmly up at her mother.

"We hope you are at peace, my friend," He said, "I hope that all the turmoil inside of you has finally settled, and you can rest without worry,"

He squeezed his wife a little before turning to her, "We should go back inside. It's getting dark,"

Bee nodded as Hyungwon, Jin and Yoongi moved to the grave to cover Taehyung.

"I'm sorry," She said, "For how I've been,"

Yoongi waved his hand, "Whatever, just go back to the house,"

Jungkook bent down and scooped up Little before heading to Joonie, who was grazing close by, "See you when we get back," He smiled, carefully climbing back into the saddle and nudging him into a walk back towards the inner gates.

"Come on," Jimin pulled Bee towards the car, "I'll drive,"

As the rest piled into the car behind them and they started back to the house, Bee stared out the window at the three men covering Taehyung. She sighed, realising that she was still covered in his blood.

"I need a bath," She said quietly, holding Breea carefully so she wasn't against the dirty part of her clothes, "Then I just want to forget about this day,"

Jimin reached over and squeezed her leg, "Me too, baby," He sighed, "Me too,"

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