50: Argumentative

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"Because you have an immunity I'm going to give you double the infection," Bee stated as she readied a syringe, "Otherwise it would take too long to work,"

"Great," Yoongi muttered, as she sat next to the bed and lifted the syringe in her hands. Yoongi reached out, grabbing her wrist as she lowered the needle to his arm, and she looked at him questioningly, "I'm trusting you," He said, "Not to turn me into one of those monsters and cure me,"

Bee nodded, "I know. Thank you,"

"Also," He added, "I'm sorry about what I said. My feelings are not your problem. It's not your fault that I... You're not selfish," He finished, "Because I should never have thrown my feelings at you, to begin with,"

 He let go of Bee's wrist and she remained still, "I'm sorry," She said softly, "For how I've been treating you,"

"You've been treating me no differently to everyone else," Yoongi grunted, turning his face away, "I wouldn't expect you to treat me any other way just because of my feelings,"

"I've hit you a couple of times," Bee pointed out.

"Yeah, well I deserved them," Yoongi responded, "That time in the garage with Hyungwon, I tried to shove you away. I meant to do it hard, as well. If you hadn't have knocked me the fuck out I would have hurt you, and I don't hurt women,"

"Sorry, anyway,"

"Just give me the injection," Yoongi sighed, "You're making me feel pathetic,"

Bee paused for a moment longer, before slowly inserting the needle into Yoongi's arm. She pushed down on the plunger, forcing the liquid inside before pulling it free and dressing it.

"I've given you enough to make you start feeling ill in an hour or so," She said softly, "I'm going to check on Shownu every now and then, but I'll be here with you the whole time,"

Yoongi nodded, "Just make sure you lock the door," He muttered, jerking his chin towards the door to the pen they were in, "Just in case,"

Bee nodded and stood up, "I'm going to Shownu now," She said, "And I'm going to explain everything to everyone else, and then I'll be back down,"

"Bee," Yoongi called out as the scientist headed for the door, "What about Breea? It won't be safe down here for her,"

After a moment, Bee sighed, "She'll be safe down here with me. The door will be locked, and I trust you, anyway,"


Shownu was feeling hot and light headed. The moment he had reached his room, he had to lie down and cover his eyes. The light was too bright, and the open window wasn't cold enough. The weather outside wasn't pleasant; it was raining and he could see Jin, Jungkook, Hyungwon and Jimin trudging around with heavy materials, trying to extend the garage so they could have adequate housing for the horses.

He felt bad he wasn't out there helping, but he was told to stay here by Bee. Besides, he was so hot! His body ached and his head hurt and now it felt like his stomach was twisting around in his body. He had never felt so ill.

There was a knock at the door, and he just about managed a grunt when the door opened and Bee came in. Dressed in her white lab coat, she looked like an angel to Shownu, and he turned towards her, slowly pulling his arm from his face. Until he saw the needle in her hand.

He grunted again, but couldn't manage any words. Bee's cool hand briefly touched his forehead and she hummed.

"You're very hot," She said, "Already,"

Shownu couldn't even make a joke, thanking her for calling him hot. The truth was, he felt like he was burning up from the inside. If that's what people felt before they turned, he wondered how people didn't just kill themselves before it happened just from the feeling of being so ill. Then again, he barely had any strength left.

Bee dabbed something cool on the crook of his elbow and something tight was tied around his bicep. He didn't even feel the needle go in this time, but he assumed she had finished when he once again felt cool hands on his shoulders, urging him to sit up.

It was a struggle, but once he was upright, he felt something on his lips and parted them. The water was cool and went down his throat smoothly, instantly making him feel a little better.

"I'll be back once I've checked your blood," She said softly, helping him lie down again, "I'll open the window a bit more, but I'm going to have to lock you in here. Okay?"

Shownu was sure he nodded, but the room had begun to spin around him. When he opened his eyes, Bee was no longer in the room with him.


Everyone had changed out of their wet clothes and was sat around the kitchen table. Daisy had made vegetable soup, and most of the members of the house were already on their second bowl.

"How's it going in the lab?" Jimin asked, looking over at his wife as she pulled a light scarf over her chest to hide herself as she fed Breea, "Everything okay?"

"Shownu is locked in his room," She answered, "The vaccination has made him sick, but his bloodwork is already very good,"

"What do you mean it's made him sick?" Hyungwon asked, "Isn't a vaccination supposed to stop that?"

"Like a flu jab, right?" Jungkook piped up, "I always got sick after having a flu vaccination, but I never got the flu,"

Bee nodded, "That's right. It's a live vaccination. It contains a small amount of infection and a large number of simulated antibodies like the ones in Jungkook's blood. He should be fine by tomorrow, but he's probably in for a rough night. After that, I'll check him daily, and after a week I will inject him with the infection and then we will see the results,"

"I see," Hyungwon nodded, "I didn't think you were doing a live vaccination. Is he okay?"

Bee shrugged a little, "He's not right now, but he will be. Yoongi is in the bed in the pen. He's had a double dose of infection, so I don't want anyone downstairs to see him, just yet,"

"You're taking Breea down there, though?" Hyungwon said, "If we can't go, it won't be safe for her, either,"

"Breea is a baby," Bee said calmly, even though it was obvious she was getting a little irritated, "She will be across the lab in her basket. She won't go touching things or unlocking doors by accident. In the night, she will go up to bed with Jimin. He will bring her down for feeding, but during the day, she will mostly be with me. Everyone has jobs to do, Hyungwon, they can't babysit," 

"You agree to this?" Hyungwon gasped at Jimin, "You're going to let her-"

"Excuse me?" Bee said sharply, "Are you saying that I have to do everything my husband tells me? This has nothing to do you with you, Hyungwon, why are you putting your nose in our business?"

"Hyungwon, I don't know why you're being so argumentative lately," Thalia sighed, "But-"

"She's putting a baby at risk-"

"Hyungwon if you don't shut up, I'm going to have to make you shut up," Jimin sighed, "Bee and I have always been equal in our relationship - not that it's any of your business anyway. She is working hard to save mankind so you can keep your grumpy mouth shut. I'm not telling her to do anything. Breea needs her mother, and Bee is right. Everyone has work to do, so there isn't anyone who can look after her, anyway. Now finish eating so we can get back to work,"

There was silence around the table as Hyungwon shot Bee a glare. She just smiled at him, and he stood up quickly, "I'm finished," He muttered, "Thanks for the meal, Daisy. I'm going back to work,"

Thalia sighed, "I'm sorry," She said, "I think I know what his problem is, but it's not your fault. Sorry,"

Jimin just waved his hand and she quickly followed her husband out of the room.

Bee pulled Breea from her chest and fixed her clothing before standing up.

"I'll be in the lab if you need me,"

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