31: Bookshelf

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Yoongi kicked the door of Taehyungs shed open, and before the medic had any time to react, grabbed him by the front of his shirt, spun him around and threw him outside.

Taehyung grabbed his knife, but the soldier hit him hard on the chin, sending him tumbling backwards. Before he could get up, he placed his foot on Taehyung's chest, pinning him to the floor.

"You goddamn son of a bitch," He growled down, "You left us out there to die!"

Taehyung spun the knife in his hand, but as he swung his arm to slam it into Yoongi's leg, Shownu kicked his hand, sending the knife flying.

"Let me up," Taehyung's eyes were burning with anger, and his face was contorted into a mask of rage, "Right now,"

"What if I don't?" Yoongi taunted, "What if I leave you down here, just like you left us out there?"

"Let me up!"

"I thought you respected Jimin!" Yoongi yelled, "I thought you liked us! You knew he was bit, yet you wouldn't help!"

"Like?" Taehyung laughed coldly and suddenly spun, slamming his hands into Yoongi's ankle and rolling out from under his foot. He got to his feet, bending to pick up his knife as Shownu lifted his gun, "I don't give a fuck about any of you. You could die right now in front of me, and I would feel nothing,"

"Put the knife down, Taehyung," Shownu said calmly, "I don't want to shoot you,"

"I know you don't," Taehyung sneered, "And there's the difference between us. I want to kill you. In fact, I think I was wrong. If you died right now, it would bring me pleasure. Seeing you crying and begging for your life would bring me joy,"

Yoongi took a step towards him, but Shownu threw his arm out, blocking him, "Now isn't the time," He said, "Jimin,"

Yoongi took a deep breath, but his eyes were still narrow, "Bee needs you in the lab," He growled, his fingers clenched into tight fists, "Urgently,"

Taehyung spun his knife one more time, before sliding it back into his belt. He dusted himself off and brushed past the soldiers, heading straight to the house.

Shownu slowly lowered his gun, "He's insane,"

Yoongi sighed and nodded, "Yeah. I knew that already but I never thought he'd just abandon the Sergeant like that,"

"We all need to have a discussion about what happened," Shownu said, starting to make his way towards the tower, "I'll keep watch,"


"Bee, I'm here,"

Bee looked up as Taehyung entered the lab, "Good," She sighed, "I need help. There are four different types of cure that Hana made, and I'm not sure which is the one she used. She kept all her research private; she didn't explain any of it to me,"

"You don't remember the formula from her notes on Yoongi?" Taehyung asked, washing his hands in the sink and moving to check on Jimin, "His fever is high,"

"I remember using the formula that she had left out. They're all together now, with only slightly different names. Can you help me look through the paperwork?"

"Where's the baby?" Taehyung took some of the paperwork from where Hana had kept them and spread them out on the table.

"She's with Jungkook," Bee frowned as she leaned over the papers, "This one isn't the right one," She muttered, tossing it and moving to the next one, "We're running out of time!"

Taehyung continued to pour over Hana's notes and Bee sighed, standing up straight, "We need her journal. She kept all her important notes in there,"

"I'll find it," Taehyung promised, "I'll look in her office and then I'll check her room,"

Bee shook her head, "She had it when she..." She trailed off a little, "It would have been left in the kitchen. Maybe Jungkook knows where it is. I'll-"

"I'll go," Taehyung said, "You see to Jimin," He turned and swiftly left the lab, leaving Bee alone with her husband again.

After looking over one more bit of paperwork, Bee slammed her hands down on the surface of the table and moved to Jimin. His breathing was shallow and harsh, and his sweat was soaking the surface of the bed underneath him.

"Jimin," Bee's voice cracked as she took his hand, using her other hand to grab a cloth to wipe the sweat from his face, "Stay strong, I promise, I won't let you turn. I'm going to bring you back to us!"

The machine attached to his chest to measure his heartrate beeped, and Bee looked up quickly at the screen.

"No," She whispered, her eyes growing wide as she saw how slow and weak his heart was beating, "No, Jimin, please, don't give up! Don't leave us! We need you! Breea and I need you!"


"Hana's diary?" Jungkook frowned, thinking back to the incident that had gotten Hana killed and Daisy shot, "I did see it, what did I do with it?"

"Hurry up," Taehyung snapped, "We need it,"

"Oh!" Jungkook cried, "I think I put it on the bookshelf in the front room,"

Taehyung immediately headed out of the kitchen to the front room, and after a moment of searching, found the book he was looking for. As his legs carried him back down to the lab, he flicked through the pages until he discovered the formula that Bee needed.

"Bee, formula B7TS22,"

Bee leapt up from her position next to Jimin and rushed to the cabinet where the bottles were. She quickly selected the correct bottle, and after doing a quick calculation, drew the liquid into a syringe.

She raced back to Jimin and without wasting any time, emptied the contents into his neck. However, just as she pulled the needle free, the machine let out a high pitched wail.

"No," Bee breathed, tears jumping to her eyes as the graph told her that there was no more movement around her husband's heart, "No, Jimin, no no no, please,"

Bee leaned over him, grabbing his shoulders and shaking him hard, "Wake up! I gave you the cure, Jimin, wake up!"


AN: If anyone can guess the reference in the name of the formula... I'll give you... Uh... I'll make you a book cover or an aesthetic or smth lol

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