21: Adult Enough

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"Jimin?" Jimin looked up when he heard the voice of the medic, and stood up straight, dropping the pile of vegetables he had in his hand into a box to his side.

"What's up, Tae?"

Taehyung stepped over some of the crops, "Thalia and I just examined Bee,"

"Is she okay?" Jimin asked, squatting down to pull another carrot from the ground, "She's been so tired lately,"

"She's about to get more tired," Taehyung stated, "Her stomach has dropped,"

Jimin frowned as he looked up, "What does that mean?"

"It means that her body is getting ready to give birth,"

Jimin let go of  the carrot he was holding and looked up blankly at the man stood over him. He wasn't quite sure how to respond to what he had just been told, and his brain began to work overtime as what seemed like hundreds of questions rushed through his head. He wasn't sure they were ready for the baby to arrive.

"Um, Tae," He said, slowly standing up, "Will you be helping her give birth?"

Taehyung scowled at him, "Of course! There is no one else who I would trust,"

"I mean, Thalia could-"

"No!" Taehyung snapped, "Only me. She can be there to help, but I will be doing it,"

"What did Bee say about it?" Jimin frowned, "It's just that..." He cleared his throat, "You know where a baby comes from, right?" 

Taehyung rolled his eyes, "Yes, Sergeant, I know where a baby comes from,"

Jimin cleared his throat again, "Well you know that they exit a female's body- I mean Bee will give birth through her... Her..."

"Her vagina," Taehyung narrowed his eyes, "You've had body parts in there before you can at least act like an adult and say the name,"

"Shut up," Jimin snapped, "My point is, I don't want you near my wife's v-... v..."

"Vagina," Taehyung supplied, rolling his eyes, "How can you be the father of Bee's child? You aren't even adult enough to say the word vagina,"

"I don't want you touching her vagina!" Jimin yelled, his face burning.

"I think I walked in at the wrong moment," Jimin and Taehyung turned when they heard a voice, "Daisy sent me to ask for the carrots but I feel a bit awkward right now,"

Jimin sighed, "Here," He said, lifting the box and handing it to Shownu, "I'm done here, anyway. We'll be over to help with the other tower in a bit,"

"Alright," Shownu took the box and quickly headed away from the pair. He had shown himself to be useful during the last few weeks of his stay here, and if he didn't already know Shownu was a soldier, he would have never guessed. He was an extremely gentle person, and quite soft-spoken as well. He and Jungkook got on very well.

Taehyung turned back to Jimin, "Don't worry, Jimin, I won't be sticking my fingers inside her or anything," He paused, a slight smirk on his lips, "Thalia will be doing that,"

While Jimin choked, Taehyung turned away and headed back to the house, "I think you need to talk to your wife about how the birth is going to happen," He said, "And you need to accept the fact that I am a trained medic and will be there, no matter what you say,"


"Hey, Hyung," Jungkook called out as he reached the top of the ladder to the tower.

"Oh, Kook," Yoongi turned to look at him, a small smile on his face. He had spent a lot of time in the tower recently, and he was missing his friend.

"I brought you some coffee," He said, holding out a flask, "It's- Ah, Little!" Jungkook almost lost his balance as the white hen popped out from the top of his shirt, flapping about until she landed on the table in front of him, "Careful!"

Yoongi laughed as he took the flask, "Do you take her everywhere?"

Jungkook grinned and sat down, closing his arms around the chicken as it hopped back to him to cuddle into his chest, "She keeps me company when you can't," He said, stroking her head.

The smile dropped from Yoongi's lips, "Sorry, Kook," He sighed, "I've not been able to spend much time with you lately,"

Jungkook shrugged, "I understand, Hyung," He said, "You've been taking the watches in here, but," He sighed, "You're always here. What are you hiding?"

"I'm not hiding anything," Yoongi said quickly, unscrewing the lid on the flask, "I just like being alone,"

"You never talk to me anymore," Jungkook pouted, "You don't trust me?"

Yoongi sighed, "Of course I do. I'm alright, Kook, really,"

It was quiet for a moment, before Jungkook spoke again, "Is it because of what happened between you and Jimin?"

"Jimin and I are fine," Yoongi said, "Seriously, I'm alright, Jungkook,"

"Is it 'cause of Bee?" 

Yoongi sighed again and ran his fingers through his hair, "Jungkook, can you please drop it? I'm fine, I just..." He trailed off, "I just realised something, that's all,"

Jungkook tilted his head to the side, "What is it?"

With one more sigh, Yoongi rubbed his face with his hands. Of course, Jungkook would notice when he wasn't himself.

"It's getting colder," He said, "I just remembered that it's my little brother's birthday soon. He was born in the winter. I just miss him, that's all. And with you not really around, I missed him even more," He looked at the younger man, "I know it's not fair of me to say this, but I guess you kind of took his space for me,"

Jungkook reached out, placing his hand on Yoongi's arm, "I'm sorry, Hyung," He said, "I had no idea," He smiled a little, "But I'm happy that you see me as your brother, Hyung. I've seen you like that for a long time,"

Yoongi smiled at the younger man and took a sip of the coffee, "Thanks, Kook," He muttered, "Maybe we can spend a bit more time together again soon,"

Jungkook nodded, "Yes, please," He said, "I miss you, Hyung,"

"Yeah," Yoongi's smile grew, "I miss you too. Now stop being so soppy and get back to work,"

Jungkook laughed and got to his feet, scooping up his chicken and putting her inside his shirt so just her head was poking out, "Okay, okay. I'll see you at dinner,"


AN: Sorrrrryyyyyy a boring chapter!

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