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"This is to cool." I thought. Then I remembered I was on a mission. I had to see if it was momma's pie I was smelling. I couldn't just walk downstairs because I knew I would have to explain how I got in without using the door. So I decided to teleport right in front the front door of the house. As I did I heard "Who's up there?" Nothing ever get's past my momma.

So I rang the doorbell and she answered the door with a funny look. "Oh, hey Ken. I thought you was by Chris house." Dammit, I forgot about that. "Yeah, I was but he had to go get a haircut so I came home." "Oh, ok." she said. "I just made some pecan pie so you're right on time."

I almost passed out right there. I was really hoping that I was mistaken because that would have made me happy. How could I have smelled that in another neighborhood? I guess she saw the shock on my face because she said "What's wrong Ken? You look like you just saw a ghost."

I said "Nothing, just thought that I saw something."

"Oh well if you saw something, just let me know because I swear I just heard something in your room before you came in."

"Oh it was probably just KenCaé." I said quickly. KenCaé is my twin brother. Even though we're the same age, he the more athletic one. I'm more of the nerd of the family, but I'm okay with that. It's good to be a nerd if you ask me. All KenCaé cares about is who is the best swimmer, who will be the next great swimmer, and how he's going to be the next big swimmer. Don't get me wrong, he's a good swimmer and all that but he just needs help academically.

"Yeah, it probably was. He probably up there playing football on the Kinect. Go tell him to sit his ass down."

"Yes mam." Was all I could manage to say. I was still shocked about my three new findings. I could teleport, have good smell, and judging by the way I could still hear Chris taking, a good sense of hearing. This was too overwhelming. I had to tell KenCaé.

"Yo, KenCaé can I talk to you right fast.?" I asked

"Yeah, what's up." That's the good thing about KenCaé, he always has time for my problems and I could tell him anything. Thank God for good brothers.

"KenCaé, don't laugh but I think that I got super powers." I waited for him to laugh, but it never came. Even with my new found hearing, I didn't even hear a chuckle. So I looked at him and saw him looking at me in awe.

"KenCaé" I asked.

"I thought I was the only one." He said.

"Really? What can you do?" I asked because quite frankly, I didn't believe him. "Let's go outside. I don't want to mess up the house."

So he walked downstairs and I just teleported outside. Once outside he spoke again.

A Journey With NickiWhere stories live. Discover now