The Wait Is Over

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Knock, Knock

"Ken, you up?"

Knock ,Knock


Knock, Knock

"Ken wake your ass up, today is the big day."

"OMG go away KenCaé. I spent all last night doing last minute packing for tomorrow."

"Well get up stupid. Tomorrow is today. We gotta be at the airport to meet up with everybody in 2 hours."

"Wait, today is tomorrow?"

"Yes dude now get up!"

"YES!!!!!!!! It's finally here, the wait is over. I'm going to have sooooo much fun. I just, oh my god, I can't even get the words out. Wait for today to start I have to get up out of bed though. I can deal with that."

I jumped up and tried to run to the bathroom. But vertigo caught up with me. I got dizzy and fell back on the bed. I waited until the room stopped spinning and headed off to the bathroom slowly. I brushed my teeth, wiped my face, applied deodorant, used my mouthwash, and teleported downstairs as fast as almost humanly possible. "Well someone is extremely happy." my mom said. "Stop it momma, you know today is the big day." I said

"I remember when I acted like you. It was on my wedding day. It was so romantic."

"Okay, today is my day momma so pay attention to the present and let's not head back to prehistoric times."

"Boy keep playing with me and watch what happens. I'm not even 40 yet."

"But your about to be in August."

"So? That's not old."

"In today's day and age age, it is."

"Ok, just eat your damn food and shut up before I wind up killing you on your 'special day'." Then she started talking to herself about how 40 is not that old.

That's when KenCaé came down the stairs. "Head's up" and water came so close to me that I almost threw a section of the house at him.

"How you feeling Ken?" he said.

"Better than you" I snapped back.

"Gosh, what got your panties into a bunch this morning?"

"Only your girlfriend. She couldn't come over last night and play around with me." I told him.

"Okay now boys stop it before I go get your father." My mother said. I'm not gonna lie I forgot that she was there.

It was then that he decided to stick his tongue out at me. He is so childish sometimes.

"Where is dad at?" II asked. I hadn't seen him all this morning. The way he moves around in the morning you hear his every footstep.

"He's sick. He said he can't come but for you to have fun. Since he's sick I have to stay back with him so I can't go either. You'll have to give our tickets and passes to someone else.

I wanted to just scream "WTF, why am I just being notified," but I knew better than that. I just had to find someone else in less than 2 hours. They would have to drop everything and come with me. I thought of Devin and Stanley.

I called them and asked their mom, but she said it was too last minute so no. Frantically I looked through my phone book hoping to find someone and luckily my friend Crystal and her boyfriend Marquel were looking for a way to chill with each other. And yes, some kind of way I did this all in 2 hours.

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